Several words I couldn't find this time.
Kvað Víga-Óbívan, “Fœr mik þá til Mósæslastaða, ok þar ætla ek at sœkja
nekkvern mann, sá es
Slayer Obiwan said, “Then bring me to Mosaesla steads and there I intend to
look for some man, that one who

fengi fœrðan mik til Aldiransveita. Þar eru margir, þeir es hatask við
Falfaðin konung. En ek
is able to bring me to Aldiran districts. There are many, those who are
full of hate for King Palpatine. And I

vilda eigi fara þangat svá lengi einn saman, ok ek hefi engi hest sem þinn.”
would not want to go thither so far alone, and I have no horse like yours.”

En þá es þeir hǫfðu farit nekkvat í Gunganhraun, sá þeir marga tjalda ok
hesta brennda, ok nái manna òk.
But then when they had gone some while in Gungan lava fields, they saw many
tents and horses burned, and (the fire?) overtakes men also.

“Þessir eru þeir menn, es okkr Artú þrælkaða,” segir Þrípíó.
“These are those men, who enthralled us, R2” says 3PO.

“Hann hefir rétt,” segir Lúkr, “Þessir eru Javasynir ok þeira menn, es seldu
þrælana í hendr Óni
“He is right,” says Luke, “These are Java’s sons and their men, who sold the
thralls into (the) hands of Oinn

frænda mínum. En hverr vildi brenna þá alla inn? Tuskinssynir? Þessi spor
hér eru sem þau es
my kinsman. But who would want to burn them all? Tuskin’s sons? These
tracks here are those which

hestar þeira gøra – ríða Tuskinssynir furðulega stórum hestum. Enn hǫfðu
Tuskinssynir ok
their horses make – Tuskin;s sons ride very large horses. But Tuskin’s sons
also have

Javasynir gríð sett; Útíni Javason vas Tuskins dóttir kvæntr.”
made a truce with Java’s sons. Utini Java’s son was married to Tuskin’s

Víga-Óbívan segir, “Eigi vǭru þessi verk Tuskinssona, en þeir es gørðu
þessi, vildu láta øss trúa
Slayer Obiwan says, “This work is not that of Tuskin’s sons, but they who
have done this would want to have us believe such.

svá. Þessi hestaspor renna samhliða, en Tustkinssynir ríða jafnan í halarófu
fyrir því at þeir vildu
These hoofprints run side by side, but Tuskin’s sons always ride in single
file for this reason that they did not want

eigi láta fjándmenn þeira telja sik. Ok þessar ǫrvar – engi es bogmaðr á
Íslandi svá dugandi. En
to allow their enemies to count them. And these arrows, no bowman in
Iceland is so skillful. But

konungsmenn eru frægir vegna bogmannanna. Ef maðr vill bogmaðr konungs
verða, hlýtr hann
king’s men are famous ?? bowmen. If a man wants to become a bowman of the
king, he is obliged to

at skjóta með bakkakólfi í gǫgnum uxahúð hráblauta, es hekk á ási einum.”
to shoot with blunt arrows through a raw ox hide, which is hung on a ??

“Fyrir hví vildu konungsmenn fara frá Nóregi til Íslands til þess at drepa
ránsmenn?” spurði
“Why do King’s men want to go from Norway to Iceland for this reason to kill
robbers?” asked

Lúkr, en sér hann Þrípíó ok Artú, “Þeir munu vesa komnir til þess at finna
Írana, ok frægi þeir at
Luke and he sees 3PO and R2, “They will have come for this to find Irishmen
and they would have learned (fregna??) that

Javasynir tóku þá, síðan frægi þeir at þeir seldu þá, ok at þeir búa nú…
Java’s sons took them, afterwards they would have learned? that they sold
them and that they ready (themselves) now (to go) home!”

“Eigi far þangat, Lúkr!” œpti Víga-Óbívan upp, “Þat es líklegast, at þeir
konungsmenn eru farnir
“Go not thither, Luke!” shouted Slayer Obiwan, “It is most likely that they,
(the) king’s men have gone

nú þegar. Þú munt finna þar engum at hefna frænda þinna!” En Lúkr reið hesti
sínum heim.
now at once. You will find there no one to avenge your kinsmen!” But Luke
rode his horse home.

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.