Here´s my translation. Comments and suggestions included.
30. kafli - Af Geirmundi og Þuríði
Chapter 30 – Of Geirmundr and Þuríðr.
Ekki var margt um í samförum þeirra Geirmundar og Þuríðar. Var svo af beggja
(There) was not not much about (love, happiness, intimacy) in their wedded-life (ie their marriage was no great shakes), Geirmundr and Þuríðr. (It) was so from both
þeirra hendi. Þrjá vetur var Geirmundur með Ólafi áður hann fýstist í brott
their hands (ie it was both their doing, they were both to ‘blame’ for it). Three winters was Geirmundr with Ólafr before he felt-the-urge (to go) away
og lýsti því að Þuríður mundi eftir vera og svo dóttir þeirra er Gróa hét.
and proclaimed that (here, the dative object of lýsa, Z4), that Þuríðr would be (stay) behind and also their daughter who was called Gróa.
Sú mær var þá veturgömul. En fé vill Geirmundur ekki eftir leggja. Þetta
That girl was then a winter-old. But Geirmundr wants not to leave money (I´m not sure you can be certain but I suspect fé is accusative here, not dative) behind (eptir, Z.ii.2). This
líkar þeim mæðgum stórum illa og segja til Ólafi.
pleases them, mother-and-daughter (but which mother and daughter J), very badly and they say (it) to Ólafr (how much say Gróa had in this is questionable J)
En Ólafur mælti þá: "Hvað er nú Þorgerður, er Austmaðurinn eigi jafn
But Ólafr then spoke: “What is (it) now, Þorgerðr, is the Easterner (Norwegian) not equally
stórlátur nú sem um haustið þá er hann bað þig mægðarinnar"
munificent now as during the autumn when he asked you for affinity-by-marriage?”
Komu þær engu á leið við Ólaf því að hann var um alla hluti samningarmaður,
They brought nothing about with Ólafr (ie the got nowhere with him) because he was in all respects a peacable-man,
kvað og mey skyldu eftir vera þar til er hún kynni nokkurn farnað. En að
declared also (the) girl should stay behind until she should-learn furtherance (ie how to get on in the world). But at
skilnaði þeirra Geirmundar gaf Ólafur honum kaupskipið með öllum reiða.
the parting of them, Geirmundr (and Ólafr), Ólafr gave him the-merchant-ship with all rigging.
Geirmundur þakkar honum vel og sagði gefið allstórmannlega. Síðan býr hann
Geirmundr gives-thanks to him well and said (it was) given very-munificently. After-that he prepares
skipið og siglir út úr Laxárósi léttan landnyrðing og fellur veðrið er þeir
the-ship and sails out out-of Laxáróss (Salmon-River-Mouth) with a light nor´-easter and the-wind (veðr, Z2) falls (drops) when they
koma út að eyjum. Hann liggur út við Öxney hálfan mánuð svo að honum gefur eigi í brott.
come out to (the) islands. He lies out by Öxney (Oxen-Island) half a month such that (it) does not give him (the wind, and therefore the opportunity to get) away (see gefa, Z1, impers).
Í þenna tíma átti Ólafur heimanför að annast um reka sína.
At this time, Ólafr had a journey-from-home to take-care-of his drift-wood (reki, Z1, simply seems to make more sense here).
Síðan kallar Þuríður dóttir hans til sín húskarla, bað þá fara með sér. Hún hafði og með
After-that Þuríðr, his (hans) daughter (nominative), calls to herself menservants (masc acc pl), asked them to go with her. She had also with
sér meyna. Tíu voru þau saman. Hún lætur setja fram ferju er Ólafur átti.
her the-girl (ie her daughter). Ten were they together. She causes to set forth (launch) a ferry-boat which Ólafr owned.
Þuríður bað þá róa eða sigla út eftir Hvammsfirði. Og er þau koma út að
Þuríðr asked them (þá is acc pl of sá) to row or sail out along (eptir, Z3) Hvammsfjörðr. And when they come out to
eyjum bað hún þá skjóta báti útbyrðis er stóð á ferjunni. Þuríður sté á
(the) islands, she asked them to launch overboard a boat which stood on the-ferry-boat. Þuríðr stepped on-to
bátinn og tveir menn aðrir en hún bað þá gæta skips er eftir voru þar til er
the-boat and two other persons (who just happen to be men, Þuríðr is not a man) but she asked those (þá is acc pl of sá) who stayed behind to guard the ship (ie the ferry) until
hún kæmi aftur. Hún tók meyna í faðm sér og bað þá róa yfir strauminn þar
she should-come back. She took the-girl in her embracing-arms and asked them to row over (across, beyond?) the-current (stream) to there
til er þau mættu ná skipinu. Hún greip upp nafar úr stafnlokinu og seldi í
where they might reach the-ship. She caught up the auger out-of the half-deck-in-the-forecastle and gave (it) into
hendur förunaut sínum öðrum, bað hann ganga á knarrarbátinn og bora svo að
(the) hand of her other travelling-companion (is this dative? And why?) , asked him to walk on-to the-merchant-ship´s boat and bore (drill) so that (it)
ófær væri ef þeir þyrftu skjótt til að taka.
would-be disabled if they needed quickly to take to (it) (ie to do anything, see taka til e-t, Z12)
Síðan lét hún sig flytja á land og hafði meyna í faðmi sér. Það var í
After-that she caused to convey herself on-to land (ashore) and had the girl in her embracing-arms. That was at
sólarupprás. Hún gengur út eftir bryggju og svo í skipið. Allir menn voru í svefni.
sunrise. She walks out along (eptir, Z3) (the) gang-way and so into the-ship. All men (persons) were asleep.
Hún gekk að húðfati því er Geirmundur svaf í. Sverðið Fótbítur hékk
She walked to that hammock which (er, Z2) Geirmundr was-sleeping in. The-sword Leg-Biter hung
á hnykkistafnum. Þuríður setur nú meyna Gró í húðfatið en greip upp Fótbít
on a peg (ie just a little too far out of reach - not so ready at hand as was claimed). Þuríðr places (sits) now the girl Gróa in the-hammock and (but) took up Leg-Biter
og hafði með sér. Síðan gengur hún af skipinu og til förunauta sinna. Nú
and had (kept, took, it) with her. After-that she walks from the-ship and to her travelling-companions. Now
tekur mærin að gráta. Við það vaknar Geirmundur og sest upp og kennir barnið
the girl takes (ie starts) to cry. With that, Geirmundr awakes and sits-himself up and recognises the-child
og þykist vita af hverjum rifjum vera mun.
and bethinks-himself to know from what cause (it) will be (ie how this has come about).