Yngvars saga viðförla - most of chapter one

From: startrekdataandworf
Message: 11664
Date: 2011-03-20


I was going to wait until I finished the first chapter (something which has taken a lot longer than I ever would have expected); however, I've this awful feeling that I am doing something wrong. It just doesn't feel right, I've no idea why. I managed to translate the first two paragraphs, plus the first two lines of the next paragraph.

Here it is (Old Norse):
EIRÍKR hét konungr, er réð fyrir Svíþjóðu. Hann var kallaðr Eiríkr inn sigrsæli. Hann átti Sigríði ina stórráðu ok skildi við hana sakir óhægenda skapsmuna hennar, því at hún var kvenna stríðlyndust um allt þat, er við bar. Hann gaf henni Gautland. Þeira sonr var Óláfr svenski.
Í þann tíma réð Hákon jarl fyrir Noregi ok átti margt barna, en frá einni hans dóttur munu vér nokkut segja, þeiri er Auðr hét. Eiríkr konungr átti ok dóttur, er eigi er nefnd. Hennar bað sá höfðingi af Svíþjóð, er Áki hét, en konungi sýndist varboðit at gifta ótignum manni dóttur sína. Litlu síðar bað hennar einn fylkiskonungr austan ór Garðaríki, ok sýndist konungi at gifta honum meyna, ok fór hún með honum austr í Garðaríki. Nokkuru síðar kom Áki þar á óvart ok drap konunginn, en hafði í burt með sér konungs dóttur ok heim í Svíþjóð ok gerir brúðkaup til hennar. At þessu ráði bundust átta höfðingjar með Áka ok sitja þar um hríð undir reiði konungs, því at konungr vildi ekki berjast við þá eða gera svá mikit mannspell innan lands á sínum mönnum. Þau Áki áttu son, er Eymundr hét.
Eptir þetta býðr Áki konungi sættir fyrir þetta bráðræði. Konungr tók því vel, ok nú, er svá var komit, biðr Eiríkr konungr Auðar, dóttur Hákonar jarls ór Noregi.

and here is my translation (I tried to make it as readable as possible in English, rather than a literal translation; the beginning was far more comprehensible to me, and thus not as similar to the text):

Eric was a king king who reigned over Sweden. He was called Eric the Victorious. He was married to Sigrid the Haughty, and divorced her on account of her difficult character - because she was strong-tempered in everything that she endured[?]. He gave her Gotland. Their son was Olaf the Swede.

In that time Earl Hakon ruled over Norway and had many children, but concerning one of his daughters might we say something. She was called Audr. King Eric had a daughter, who is not named. A chieftain from Sweden, who was called Aki, asked for her, but the king did not want his daughter to marry a commoner. A little later a petty king from Gardariki in the East asked, and the king seemed[?] to give the girl to him, and she travelled with him eastward into Gardariki. Sometime later, Aki was surprised and killed the king, but still went away with the king's daughter and, home in Sweden, had her wedding. After this eight chieftains entered with Aki and remained there below the angry king because the king does not want to fight and see such great loss of life upon his own men within the land. Aki had a son and his name was Eymund.

After this King Aki offers to make peace over this rashness. King took this well, but now, which in this way occurred, King Eric asked Audr, daughter of Earl Hakon of Norway.

I beg of ye for some feedback, some help in where I may have gone wrong. I've spend days on this; it is becoming extremely frustrating!

Thank you.

P.S. As I read it again whilst typing it (I wrote it on paper), I realize that the storyline is non sequitur - probably my fault - especially where it goes from Aki being turned away to Aki being her husband.

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