Here´s my translation
Ólafur fór utan um sumarið og kemur skipi sínu við Hörðaland. Þar bjó sá
Ólafr journeyed abroad during the summer and brings (present tense) his ship against (to land at) Hörðaland. There (ie in that place) lived that
maður skammt á land upp er hét Geirmundur gnýr, ríkur maður og auðigur og
man (person) a short-distance up on land (inland) who was-called Geirmundr (the) Roarer, a powerful-man (person) and wealthy and
víkingur mikill. Ódældarmaður (údældarmaður) var hann og hafði nú sest um kyrrt og var
a great viking (harrier). An overbearing-person was he and (but) had now taken-to-rest (quietened-down, [cf gnýr :J], see setjast um kyrrt, under kyrr, Z1) and was
hirðmaður Hákonar jarls hins ríka. Geirmundur fer til skips og kannast brátt
a retainer of Earl Hákon the Mighty. Geirmundr goes to (the) ship and soon recognises
við Ólaf því að hann hafði heyrt hans getið. Geirmundur býður Ólafi til sín
Ólafr (I doubt that the reciprocal sense is intended here; «Ólaf» is acc.) because he had heard him spoken about / of (him mentioned, geta + gen, Z.ii.2) . Geirmund invites Ólafr to (stay with) him
með svo marga menn sem hann vildi. Það þiggur Ólafur og fer til vistar með
with as many men (persons) as he wanted. Ólafr accepts that and goes to lodging (ie goes to stay) with
sétta mann. Hásetar Ólafs vistast þar um Hörðaland. Geirmundur veitir Ólafi
(the) sixth man (ie with five others). Ólafr’s oarsmen lodged-themselves there (ie elsewhere) around Hörðaland. Geirmundr entertains Ólafr
vel. Þar var bær (boer) risulegur og margt manna. Var þar gleði mikil um veturinn.
well. There (ie in that place) was a stately (lofty) farmstead (masc nom sg) and a-great-number of men. There was great merriment during the-winter.
En er á leið veturinn sagði Ólafur Geirmundi deili á um erindi sín, að hann
But when (it) drew-winter-to-a-close (ie when winter drew to a close, líða, Z6, impers), Ólafr said to Geirmundr (the) distinctive features concerning his mission (business), that he
vill afla sér húsaviðar, kvaðst þykja mikið undir að hann fengi gott
wants to procure for himself house-timbers, declared (it) to seem to himself of great importance (see e-m þykkja mikit under e-u, Z2) that he obtained good
Geirmundur svarar: "Hákon jarl á besta mörk og veit eg víst ef þú kemur á
Geirmundr answers: ‘Earl Hákon has (the) best forest and I know certainly if you come to
hans fund að þér mun sú innan handar því að jarl fagnar vel þeim mönnum er
a meeting with (ie to see) him, that that (ie the forest, nom fem sg to agree with mörk) will (be) within your (þér, dative) hand (in your grasp, at your disposal?, innan + gen, Z3) because (the) earl receives well (welcomes) those persons (men) who
eigi eru jafnvel menntir sem þú Ólafur ef hann sækja heim."
are (present tense) not equally-well accomplished as you, Ólafr, if (they) seek (3rd pers pl form so «hann» cannot be subject) him (hann, acc, the direct object) at home (ie drop in on him, see soekja e-n heim, Z3).’
Um vorið byrjar Ólafur ferð sína á fund Hákonar jarls. Tók jarl við honum
During the-spring, Ólafr begins his journey to a meeting with (ie to see) Earl Hákon. (The) Earl received him
ágæta vel og bauð Ólafi með sér að vera svo lengi sem hann vildi.
excellently well and invited Ólafr to be (stay) with him as long as he wanted.
Ólafur segir jarli hversu af stóðst um ferð hans: "Vil eg þess beiða yður
Ólafr says to (the) earl how thus (it, ie the matter) stood concerning his journey. “I want to ask you that,
herra að þér létuð oss heimila mörk yðra að höggva húsavið."
lord, that you cause to give-the-right to us to your forests to hew house-timber.”
Jarl svarar: "Ósparað skal það þótt þú fermir skip þitt af þeim viði er vér
(The) Earl answers: “That shall (be) un-spared (given-unsparingly, pp of úspara?) even-though (þó at) you (fully) load your ship from that timber which we
munum gefa þér því að vér hyggjum að oss sæki eigi heim hversdaglega slíkir menn af Íslandi."
will give you because we believe that such men from Iceland do not seek (visit) us at home (drop in on us) every-day.”
En að skilnaði gaf jarl honum öxi gullrekna og var það hin mesta gersemi (görsemi),
But (And) at parting (the) Earl gave him a gold-inlaid axe and that was the greatest treasure,
skildust síðan með hinum mesta kærleik.
(they) parted after-that with the greatest amity (on most friendly terms).
Geirmundur skipar jarðir (jörð) sínar á laun og ætlar út til Íslands um sumarið á
Geirmundr assigns (skipa, Z3) his estate (land) in secret and intends (to go) out to Iceland during the-summer on
skipi Ólafs. Leynt hefir hann þessu alla menn. Eigi vissi Ólafur fyrr en
Ólafr’s ship. He has concealed this from all persons (men). Ólafr knew not before
Geirmundur flutti fé sitt til skips Ólafs og var það mikill auður.
Geirmundr conveyed his property to Ólafr’s ship and that was great riches.
Ólafur mælti: "Eigi mundir þú fara á mínu skipi ef eg hefði fyrr vitað því
Ólafr spoke: ‘You would not journey on my ship if I had known before-hand because
að vera ætla eg þá munu nokkura á Íslandi að betur gegndi að þig sæju aldrei.
I expect (1st pers present) (there) will be (vera) those-ones (or then?) some Iceland that better would-be suited that never were-to-see you.
En nú er þú ert hér kominn við svo mikið fé þá nenni eg eigi að reka
But now that you are (have) come here with so much property, then I am not inclined to drive
þig aftur sem búrakka."
you back like a farm-dog (ie probably a stray from another farm).”
Geirmundur segir: "Eigi skal aftur setjast þótt þú sért heldur stórorður því
Geirmundr says: (I) shall not desist (hold back [from the journey], reflex. see setjast aptr, Z12, or, be held back, passive of setja e-n aptr, Z11?) even-though (þó at) you be high-and-mighty-sounding (up on you soap-box) because
að eg ætla að fá að vera yðvar farþegi."
I intend to procure (Z5, or arrange, Z1 or give (payment), Z6?) to be your passenger.”