From: rob13567
Message: 11621
Date: 2011-02-21
Í þenna tíma bjó Hólmgöngu-Bersi í Saurbæ á þeim bæ er í Tungu heitir.
At this time Dueler-Bersi lived in Mud-farm at the farm which is named Tung.
Hann fer á fund Ólafs og bauð Halldóri syni hans til fósturs.
He goes to meet Olaf and asked to foster Halldor, his son.
Það þiggur Ólafur og fer Halldór heim með honum.
Olaf accepts that and Halldor goes home with him.
Hann var þá veturgamall.
He was then a year old.
Það sumar tekur Bersi sótt og liggur lengi sumars.
That summer Bersi became ill and lies (sick) long (through the) summer.
Það er sagt einn dag er menn voru að heyverki í Tungu en þeir tveir inni, Halldór og Bersi.
It is said that one day men were haymaking in Tung and they, the two, Halldor and Bersi, (were) inside.
Lá Halldór í vöggu.
Halldor lay in a cradle.
Þá fellur vaggan undir sveininum og hann úr vöggunni á gólfið.
Then the cradle falls under the boy and he (goes) out of the cradle to the floor.
Þá mátti Bersi eigi til fara.
Bersi couldn't walk then.
Þá kvað Bersi þetta:
Then Bersi said this:
Liggjum báðir
We lie
í lamasessi
in a broken-state
Halldór og ek,
Halldor and I,
höfum engin þrek.
have no strength.
Veldur elli mér
Old-age rules over me
en æska þér.
But you (are) a youth.
Þess batnar þér
You recover after that (Z. batna 2 - e-m batnar, one recovers (after sickness); the disease is added in gen.)
en þeygi mér.
But not I.
Síðan koma menn og taka Halldór upp af gólfinu en Bersa batnar.
Then men come and take Halldor up off the floor and Bersa gets better.
Halldór fæddist þar upp og var mikill maður og vasklegur.
Halldor is brought up (i.e., raised) and was a large man and of gallant bearing.
Kjartan Ólafsson vex upp heima í Hjarðarholti.
Kjartan Olafson grew up home in Hjardarholt.
Hann var allra manna vænstur þeirra er fæðst hafa á Íslandi.
He was of all men most promising, they who had been born in Iceland.
Hann var mikilleitur og vel farinn í andliti, manna best eygður og ljóslitaður.
He was (someone) having marked prominent features and well-favored, a man best having eyes of a certain kind and light colored. (Z. farinn 2 - vel f. í andliti, well-favoured)
Mikið hár hafði hann og fagurt sem silki og féll með lokkum, mikill maður og sterkur eftir sem verið hafði Egill móðurfaðir hans eða Þórólfur.
He had much hair and (the hair was) beautiful as silk and fell with locks of hair, a large man and strong as had been his father-in-law Egill or Thorolf.
Kjartan var hverjum manni betur á sig kominn svo að allir undruðust þeir er sáu hann.
Kjartan was better than any man descended so that all they who saw him were astonished.
Betur var hann og vígur en flestir menn aðrir.
He was also in better fighting condition than most other men.
Vel var hann hagur og syndur manna best.
He was a very skillful and a best swimmer.
Allar íþróttir hafði hann mjög umfram aðra menn.
He had all accomplishments very above other men.
Hverjum manni var hann lítillátari og vinsæll svo að hvert barn unni honum.
He was humbler (than) any man and popular so that every child loved him.
Hann var léttúðigur og mildur af fé.
He was light-hearted and liberal with money.
Ólafur unni mest Kjartani allra barna sinna.
Olaf loved Kjartan most of all his children.
Bolli fóstbróðir hans var mikill maður.
His foster-brother Bolli was great man.
Hann gekk næst Kjartani um allar íþróttir og atgervi.
He went next to Kjartan in regard to all accomplishments and ability.
Sterkur var hann og fríður sýnum, kurteis og hinn hermannlegsti, mikill skartsmaður.
He was strong and handsome, courteous and most gallant, a great man given to vain display. (Z. fríðr 1 - beautiful, handsome (f. sýnum)
Þeir unnust mikið fóstbræður.
The foster-brothers loved each other much.
Situr Ólafur nú að búi sínu svo að vetrum skipti.
Olaf stays now at his form for several years. (Z. skipta 4 - sitr Ólafr nú at búi sinu, svá at vetrum skipti, for several years)
29. kafli - Af utanferð Ólafs
Concerning Olaf's Journey-Abroad
Það er sagt eitt vor að Ólafur lýsti því fyrir Þorgerði að hann ætlar utan:
"Vil eg að þú varðveitir bú og börn."
It is said one spring that Olaf proclaimed therefore for Thorgerd that he intends (to go) from Iceland: "I want that you keep (the) farm and children."
Þorgerður kvað sér lítið vera um það en Ólafur kvaðst ráða mundu.
Thorgerd said herself (to) little like that, but Olaf stated for himself (that he) would undertake (this). (Z. um 9 - e-m er ekki um e-t, one does not like (var honum ekki um Norðmenn))
Hann kaupir skip er uppi stóð vestur í Vaðli.
He buys a ship which laid up ashore towards the west in Vadli.