Brian, Paul and all

Brilliant love the structure and have been reading thruCrawford's 'Tattúínárdœla saga on line which would be great to dig into. Also if there is any interest I am also going to be reading The
Saga of King Heidrek the Wise in the 50th anniversary edition by Christopher Tolkien (as you. Can probably tell from my blog I am a major Tolkien lover) and will attempt a translation of this fornaldsogur from Old Norse - so three projects should keep me busy!!!!

Look forward to taking part

Best, Andy

Sent from the IPAD of Andrew Higgins asthiggins@... asthiggins on Twitter
And at his blog Wotan's Musings

On 28 Dec 2010, at 03:28, "Brian M. Scott" <bm.brian@...> wrote:

> At 6:56:09 PM on Monday, December 27, 2010, Paul Hansen
> wrote:
>> By the BTW, how is it decided who translates the next
>> chapter or sub-chapter when working through a saga? Is it
>> first-come, first-to-present?
> On Sundays Grace normally posts the next bit of Laxdœla saga
> to be translated, and within the next day or two the three
> folks who have been taking part independently post their
> translations. She and Rob have been working through Jackson
> Crawford's 'Tattúínárdœla saga' ('What If Star Wars Were an
> Icelandic Saga?') on the same basis, but with the passages
> posted on Thursday. (I think that I got the days right; I
> didn't actually check.) In both cases I've been coming
> along behind to try to sort out the especially tricky bits.
> I expect that we'll follow pretty much the same pattern when
> we take up againn in mid-January.
> Brian
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