Velkominn, Andy.
And, like you, I tend to read more than write on norse_course.
By the BTW, how is it decided who translates the next chapter or sub-chapter when working through a saga?
Is it first-come, first-to-present?
Med vennligste hilsener,
Paul Hansen


From: asthiggins@...
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 15:08:06 +0000
Subject: [norse_course] Greetings

To All 

I have been monitoring this excellent group and have decided to devote more time in 2011 to Norse language studies and would like to join in the translation fun!!!  Have worked through the EV Gordon and Michael Barnes books and on a trip to Iceland last year read large chunks of Egil's Saga in the original.   Look forward to joining in on the IPAD  Happy YuleFest to all!!

Best Andy 

Sent from the IPAD of Andrew Higgins asthiggins@...  asthiggins on Twitter and on my Blog at Wotan's Musings