From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11482
Date: 2010-12-22
> Húsin voru auð um veturinn.Rob & Grace: Note that <-in> is the neuter *plural*
> The farm was empty during the winter.
> The house was empty during the winter.
> The farm-buildings were uninhabited during the-winter.
> Um vorið eftir fór Ólafur þangað byggðum og lét áður samanZoëga s.v. <fara> (3) has <fara bygðum> 'to move, change
> reka fé sitt og var það mikill fjöldi orðinn því að engi
> maður var þá auðgari að kvikfé í Breiðafirði.
> During the next spring Olaf Olaf went to-that-place
> of-settlements (?) and caused before together to drive his
> livestock and that was a great multitude happened (?)
> because no man was then wealthier (in terms of livestock)
> in Broad-firth.
> During the next spring, Olaf went thither from the
> settlement and ahead of time had his livestock rounded up
> and it was become a great multitude because no man was
> then more wealthy in terms of livestock in Breida Fjord.
> During the-spring after, Ólafr journeyed thither for
> habitation (bygð) (ie to take up residence) and caused
> before(hand) to drive together (herd) his stock and that
> (ie the herd of stock) was (had) become a great multitude
> because no man was then richer (compar of auðigr) as
> regards live-stock in Breiðarfjörðr.
> Ólafur sendir nú orð föður sínum að hann stæði úti og sæiYes, <stæði>, earlier <stœði>, is past subj. of <standa>;
> ferð hans þá er hann fór á þenna nýja bæ og hefði orðheill
> fyrir.
> Olaf now sends word to his father that he stand outside
> and see his journey then when he went to this new farm and
> had a-good-report previously.
> Olaf sends now word to his father that he stand outside
> and watch his journey then when he went to this new farm
> and have a good omen for it.
> Ólaf sends now word(s) to his father that he should-stand
> outside and should-see his (ie Ólafr’s) journey when he
> moved to this new farmstead and (he) should-bring (hafa,
> Z6) good-omen for (the benefit of it, fyrir, Z.ii.9).
> Höskuldur kvað svo vera skyldu.Technically it's '[they] should be so': <skyldu> is 3rd
> Hoskuld stated (that he) would so (do).
> Hoskuld said so (he) would do.
> Höskuldr declared (it) should be so.
> Ólafur skipar nú til, lætur reka undan fram sauðfé það erRob's right in reading <skipar> as present tense; <skipa>
> skjarrast var.
> Olaf now arranges, causes (to) drive ahead of forward the
> sheep which were shyest.
> Olaf made ready now, has the sheep which were most timid
> driven.
> Ólafr now made ready (see skipa til e-s, Z6), causes to
> drive up at-the-front those sheep (grammatically singular)
> which were shyest.
> Þá fór búsmali þar næst.M&P take it to be both milch ewes and cows. I don't think
> Then there went milch-cows next.
> Then milk cows went next.
> Then milch-cattle (sheep?) went there next.
> Var þá ferðarbroddurinn kominn á þenna bæ hinn nýja erDespite appearance, <þenna bæ hinn nýja> functions simply as
> Ólafur reið úr garði af Goddastöðum og var hvergi hlið í
> milli.
> The front of the host had then come to this, the new farm
> when Olaf rode out-of (the) yard of Goddastad, and was an
> interval between each one of them.
> Then the vanguard had come to that farm, the new one, when
> Olaf rode out of (the) field at Godda Stead and nowhere
> was a gap between.
> Then (ie at that point in time) was (had) the van (ie the
> front of the procession) arrived at this farmstead, the
> new (one) , when Ólafr rode out-of (the) yard from
> Goddastaðir (ie the old farmstead) and (there) was nowhere
> a gap (in the traffic) in between.
> Þá mælti Höskuldur að Ólafur son hans skyldi þar velkominnI agree with Rob and Grace that <nær> here is the
> og með tíma á þenna hinn nýja bólstað "og nær er það mínu
> hugboði að þetta gangi eftir að lengi sé hans nafn uppi."
> Then Hoskuld spoke that his son Olaf should there (be)
> welcome and with prosperity at this the new farm "and that
> is in-conformity-with my anticipation that this go later
> to long see his name up."
> Then Hoskuld said that Olaf, his son, would be well come
> (to the new place) and with good luck at the new abode
> “and near is it to my thinking that this go (on) after
> that long be his name raised up.”
> Then Ólafr spoke that Ólafr, his son, should (be) welcome
> and (be) with prosperity there in this the new homstead
> “and that is nearly my anticipation that this (ie the
> prosperity et al) should-go after (follow, come to pass,
> ganga eptir), (such) that for-a-long-time his name
> should-be up (ie live on, see vera uppi, under uppi).”
> Það var mjög jafnskjótt að húskarlar höfðu ofan tekiðI'd go with Grace's 'and then' (the meaning, of course,
> klyfjar af hrossum og þá reið Ólafur í garð.
> That was very as-soon-as that (the) servents had from
> above taken packs of the horses which Olaf rode to home.
> It was at the very same moment that servants had taken
> packs off (the) horses and then Olaf rode into the yard.
> That was at-the-very-same-moment that (the) menservants
> had taken down (the) packs from (the) horses and when
> Ólafr rode into (the) yard.
> Þetta þótti mönnum vel til fundið af þeim atburðum er þar'Brought forward' is certainly the general category of
> höfðu orðið.
> This seemed to men a good idea of the events which (they)
> there had heard.
> That seemed well done to people regarding those events
> which had happened there.
> This seemed to people well brought-forward (nominated,
> chosen) from those events which had happened there.
> Faðir hans hélt honum mjög til virðingar.It's hard to say whether it's 'was much bent on' or 'was
> His father him much in esteem.
> His father held him in great honour.
> His father was-much-bent on (gaining) honour for him.