Thank you, Brian, for your help with the translations.

Það var á einu hausti að í því sama holti lét Ólafur bæ reisa og af þeim
viðum er þar voru höggnir
It was in one autumn that in that same wood, Olaf had a farm built from that
wood which was cut there

í skóginum en sumt hafði hann af rekaströndum. Þessi bær var risulegur.
Húsin voru auð um veturinn.
in the forest and some he had from a driftwood-beach. This farm was
stately. The house was empty during the winter.

Um vorið eftir fór Ólafur þangað byggðum og lét áður saman reka fé sitt og
var það mikill fjöldi
During the next spring, Olaf went thither from the settlement and ahead of
time had his livestock rounded up and it was become a great multitude

orðinn því að engi maður var þá auðgari að kvikfé í Breiðafirði. Ólafur
sendir nú orð föður sínum
because no man was then more wealthy in terms of livestock in Breida Fjord.
Olaf sends now word to his father

að hann stæði úti og sæi ferð hans þá er hann fór á þenna nýja bæ og hefði
orðheill fyrir.
that he stand outside and watch his journey then when he went to this new
farm and have a good omen for it.

Höskuldur kvað svo vera skyldu.
Hoskuld said so (he) would do.

Ólafur skipar nú til, lætur reka undan fram sauðfé það er skjarrast var. Þá
fór búsmali þar næst.
Olaf made ready now, has the sheep which were most timid driven. Then milk
cows went next.

Síðan voru rekin geldneyti. Klyfjahross fóru í síðara lagi. Svo var skipað
mönnum með fé þessu
After were driven dry cows and steers. Pack horses went in last place. So
arranged were people with these animals

að það skyldi engan krók rísta. Var þá ferðarbroddurinn kominn á þenna bæ
hinn nýja er Ólafur
that none should go astray? Then the vanguard had come to that farm, the
new one, when Olaf

reið úr garði af Goddastöðum og var hvergi hlið í milli. Höskuldur stóð úti
með heimamenn sína.
rode out of (the) field at Godda Stead and nowhere was a gap between.
Hoskuld stood outside with his servants.

Þá mælti Höskuldur að Ólafur son hans skyldi þar velkominn og með tíma á
þenna hinn nýja
Then Hoskuld said that Olaf, his son, would be well come (to the new place)
and with good luck at the new

bólstað "og nær er það mínu hugboði að þetta gangi eftir að lengi sé hans
nafn uppi."
abode “and near is it to my thinking that this go (on) after that long be
his name raised up.”

Jórunn húsfreyja segir: "Hefir ambáttarson sjá auð til þess að uppi sé hans
Wife Jorunn says, “That son of a concubine has wealth to this that up-lifted
be his name.”

Það var mjög jafnskjótt að húskarlar höfðu ofan tekið klyfjar af hrossum og
þá reið Ólafur í garð.
It was at the very same moment that servants had taken packs off (the)
horses and then Olaf rode into the yard.

Þá tekur hann til orða: "Nú skal mönnum skeyta forvitni um það er jafnan
hefir verið um rætt í
Then he began to speak, “Now shall curiosity of people be satisfied
concerning it when always has been spoken about in

vetur hvað sjá bær skal heita. Hann skal heita í Hjarðarholti."
winter what this farm shall be called. It shall be called in Herder? Wood.”

Þetta þótti mönnum vel til fundið af þeim atburðum er þar höfðu orðið.
That seemed well done to people regarding those events which had happened

Ólafur setur nú bú saman í Hjarðarholti. Það varð brátt risulegt. Skorti þar
og engi hlut. Óxu nú
Olaf now puts (the) farm to rights in Herder? Wood. It quickly became
stately. There also was no provision wanting. Now Olaf’s esteem grew

mjög metorð Ólafs. Báru til þess margir hlutir. Var Ólafur manna vinsælstur
því að það er hann
much. Many things contributed to this. Olaf was most popular of men
because when he concerned himself

skipti sér af um mál manna þá undu allir vel við sinn hlut. Faðir hans hélt
honum mjög til
concerning affairs of men then all worked out well with his direction. His
father held him in great honour.

virðingar. Ólafi var og mikil efling að tengdum við Mýramenn. Ólafur þótti
göfgastur sona Höskulds.
To Olaf (there) was also great strengthening to relationship by affinity
with the Myramen. Olaf seemd the most magnificent son of Hoskuld’s.

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.