Maðr hét Þrípíó Dítússon; hann vas maðr írskr ok prestr. Ok því at Írland
vas kristit land, ok
A man was named 3-P-O D-2’s son; he was an Irish man and a priest. And
because Ireland was a Christian land and
Þrípíó kunni margar tungur, fór hann til Noregs í Koruskantborg ok vildi
kenna mǫnnum þar ina
3-P-O knew many languages, he went to Norway to Coruscantborg and wanted to
teach (the) people there the
rétta trú. Þar fann hann bróður hans, Artú Dítússon, es hafði verit þræll
true faith. There he met his brother, R2 D2’s son, who had been a thrall of
Slayer Obiwan
Kvægganssonar af Jeðifirðingaætt á Íslandi. Ok því at hann hafði lengi búit
milli heiðinna
Kvaeggan’s son of Jedi Firth descent from Iceland. And because he had lived
a long time among the heathen
manna, vas hann sjálfr orðinn heiðinn.
people, he was himself become heathen.
Artú Dítússyni mislíkaði þrældómr hans, en mislíkaði honum því meira
Falfaðinn konungr, því
R2 D2’s son didn’t like his thralldom, but he disliked King Palpatine more,
at hann hafði látinn drepinn Kvæggan Dúkússon, ok hafði Kvæggan því heitnu,
at hann skyli
he had had Kvaeggan Duku’s son slain, and Kvaeggan had promised it that he
leysa Artú af þrældómi. En sonr Kvæggans Víga-Óbívan, es lifði enn, vildi
eigi leysa Artú, ok
release R2 from thralldom. But Kvaeggan’s son, Slayer Obiwan, who still
lived, did not want to free R2 and
varð Artú eigi leysingi unz Víga-Óbívan flýtti sér til Íslands eitt sinn ok
lét Artú aptr í Noregi.
R2 did not become a free man until Slayer Obiwan took himself to Iceland one
time and left R2
behind in Norway.
Artú Dítússon vas hagr við járn ok tré, ok af þessi íðn varð leysingi brátt
málkunnigr Falfaðni
R2 D2’s son was skillful with iron and wood and due to this ?? (the)
freedman soon became acquainted with King Palpatine
konungi, sá es bauð Artú ráða skipgørðinni; vissi konungr aldri, at Artú
hataðisk við hann. En þat
That one who bade R2 decide on the ship building; (the) king never knew that
R2 hated him. But it
vas Artús ráð, at konungr láti gøra drekahǫfuð stórt á Dauðastjǫrnu ok holt
innan, ok láti fylla af
was R2’s plan that the king have a great dragon head made on (the)
Deathstar and wood inside and have it filled with
ǫli, ok kvað Artú, at þetta væri Ránarblót. Ok Falfaðinn konungr kvað Artú
vesa vísan mann, sá
ale and told R2 that this was Ran’s offering. And King Palpatine declared
R2 to be a wise man, that one
es vildi hlífa inu stóra skipi frá reiði gyðju þessar.
who wanted to protect the great ship from the anger of (the) godess with
Ok es hann hafði svá ráðit, fór Artú aptr til Írlands með bróður sinn, ok
sagði allt þat Beilorgana konungi.
And when he had so resolved, R2 sailed back to Ireland with his brother and
told all that to King Beilorgana.
Beilorgana konung grunar, at Falfaðinn konungr vildi sœkjask Aldiransveitir
með þetta skip, ok
King Beilorgana suspects that King Palpatine wanted to attack Aldiran
districts with that ship and
Beilorgana konungr vildi biðja Hjaltlendinga hjálpa sér. En “Því at
Falfaðinn konungr með mikit
King Beilorgana wanted to ask the Shetlanders to help him. But, “because
King Palpatine rules over the sea with his great
her sinn ræðr fyr sjóvi, skal ek senda dóttur mína ok nekkverja munka með
hana, ok Falfaðin
forces, I shall send my daughter and some monks with her and King Palpatine
konungr mun eigi grunaðr verða um þat, at ek sendi þau til þess at hvetja
Hjaltlendinga í mót honum.”
will not become suspicious about it that I send them to this to stir up the
Shetlanders against him.”