"Þat er it mikilvægast," kvað Beilorgana, "At barnit viti eigi at hann er
"It is of very great moment,"said Beilorgana, "That the child know not that
he is Anakinn skywalker's son.
himingangara. Ok at engi á landi veit, nema sá sé fóstri einn."
And that none in (the) country knows, unless that be (his) foster-father
"Já víst," segir Víga-Óbívan, "Mun engi kæra mik um ógætni. Gerið sem ykkr
líkar við
"Yes, certainly," says Slayer Obiwan, "None will accuse me (of being)
heedless. Do as is pleasing to you both with
mey; ek held inum fyrirspáða hefndarmanni ættar mínar. En lát þetta barn
þreyta at
(the) girl, I keep to the prophecy of an avenger of my line. But let this
child strive hard
mjólkdrykkinn, því at ek skal ganga lengi með hann áðr en vit komim til
Tattúínárdals. "
at milk-drinking, because I shall go a long way with him before we come to
Tattouin River Valley."
Eptir þat sveinbarn hafði mjok drukkit tók Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson barnit í
After it (the) boy-child had drunk much, Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan's son took
the boy in hand. (in his arms)
Lengi gekk hann vestr, unz hann kom endilega til Tattúínárdals, ok hann sá æ
He went west for a long time until he came finally to Tattouin River Dale
and he saw ever
eldsuppkvámu nyrðri. At Vatnabo lét hann sveinbarnit á þroskuldi eina nótt,
en Óinn
more northerly volcanic eruptions. At Water Farm he left the boy-child on a
threshold one night, and Oinn
Kléggsson kom út. Hann spurði hann, hvat barn þetta væri.
Klegg's son came out. He asked what child this was.
"Hann er bróðursonr þíns Anakins," segir Víga-Óbívan, "Ok heitir hann Lúkr.
Hann mun
"He is Anakinn's,your nephew's," says Slayer Obiwan, "And he is called Luke.
He will
þurfa mjólkr. En ek mæli, at þú segir eigi honum frá feðr hans, ok væri þat
trúlegt bezt, ef
need milk. And I say that you do not tell him of his father, and it is
credibly best, if
honum þottisk faðir dauðr."
he would think (his) father dead."
"Ok hvert ferr þú í stormi ok osku?" spurði Óinn.
"And where go you in storm and ash?" asked Oinn.
"Ek fer norðr til eldfjallsins," segir Víga-Óbívan, "Ok þangat spái ek þess,
at faðir hans
"I go north to the volcano," says Slayer Obiwan, "And thither I forsee this
that his father
skal koma ok." Ok Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson hvarf í skugga.
shall also come." And Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan's son turned into (the)
XV. Kapítuli: Frá bardaga hjá eldfjalli
Of the battle near (the) volcano
Nú verðr þar til at taka, er Anakinn himingangari vill leita Paðému ok
Now we pick up the story where Anakinn skywalker wants to seek Padme and
Slayer Obiwan,
hann fór til Íslands, ok er ekki sagt af ferðum hans, fyrr en hann kom fram
á Íslandi. Er
He went to Iceland and nothing is said of his journey before he came to
Iceland. When he
hann kømr til fjoru, sér hann hvar skip heimti upp akkeri, ok hann þekkir
comes to shore he sees where a ship weighed anchor and he recognizes the
"Siglir þar Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson," segir hann, "Á skipi sínu, ok vill
hann efalaust
"There sails Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan's son," says he, "On his ship and he
will certainly
fora mik í brottu frá óléttri konu minni." Ok hann sendir menn sína til
skipsins, ok hann
lead me away from my woman heavy with child." And he sends his men to the
ship and he
eggjar þá liðit mjok til framgongu, "Ok vil ek," segir Anakinn, "At ér
drepið alla
urges the crowd (liðit?) then much towards advancing in battle, "And I
want," says Anakinn, "That you kill all
karlmenn á skipinu, en látið ér konur ok born lifa. Ok ek skal taka land ok
þar leita konu minnar."
crew on the ship but you let (the) women and children live. And I shall
land and there seek my wife.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa