From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11342
Date: 2010-10-09
> Þá hljóp á útsynningr steinóði, en þar gekk í mótiYes.
> útfallsstraumr; gørði þá stórt á firðinum, sem þar kann
> opt verða; ...
> Then a violent south-westerly gale sprang up, and there
> went against (it) an ebb? current;
> then the sea rose high (Z stórr, 1) in the firth, as thereThis is <kunna> + infinitive, 'to be able', (10) in Zoëga:
> (one) knows often to happen, ...
> Víga-Óbívan spurði, hvárt hon vildi Anakin himingangarawhether
> vita, at hann var faðir þessa tveggja barna, því at "Mik
> grunar, at hann haldi eigi fram at þjóna Falfaðni konungi,
> ok herja Írland, vissi hann sjálfan sik föður þessa írskra
> þjóðna.
> Slayer Obiwan asked, what
> she wanted Anakinn skywalker to know, that he was fatherZoëga doesn't seem to have it, but CV s.v. <halda> (A.V.2.β)
> of these two children, because "I suspect that he would
> not support serving
> King Palpatine, and to harry Ireland, he knew himself (to<Vissi> is subjunctive, so the natural modern English
> be) father of these Irish prince (and princess).
> En trúlegt er, at Falfaðinn konungr læti drepa þessi börn<Trúligr> isn't 'true'; that would be <sannr>. Here it's
> sem skjótlegast, ef honum þóttisk þetta má gøra, ok vissi
> hvar þau funnusk.
> But (it) is true
> that King Palpatine would have these children killed as<Má> is 'can', though English sequence of tenses requires
> quickly as possible if he thought this may
> happen and knew where they were to be found.Brian