From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11299
Date: 2010-09-15
> Hefir hún það í hug sér að gera þá hluti nokkura er honumRob & Grace: The <-i> ending of <þætti> combined with the
> þætti eigi betur.
> She has that in her mind to do then some things which
> to-him was thought not better.
> She has in her mind to do then some things which to him
> seemed not better.
> She has that in her mind to do then certain things which
> would-seem to him not better (ie that he would rather she
> did not do).
> Skip stóð uppi á Borðeyri í Hrútafirði.If it were 'Hrút's firth', the first element would have to
> A ship was-laid-up-ashore at Plank-gravelbank in
> Hrut's-firth.
> A ship was laid up at Bordeyri in Hrut's Firth.
> A ship was-laid-up ashore at Borðeyrr in Hrútafjörðr
> (Rams’ Fjord).
> Melkorka talar við Ólaf son sinn þá er þau finnast að húnThe <r> in <göfugra> is inflectional, not a sign of the
> vill að hann fari utan að vitja frænda sinna göfugra "því
> að eg hefi það satt sagt að Mýrkjartan er að vísu faðir
> minn og er hann konungur Íra.
> Melkora speaks with her son Olaf then when they
> meet-one-another that she wants that he go away to visit
> his noble kinsmen "because I had that true said that
> Myrkjartan is surely my father and he is an Irish king.
> (Z. vitja - v. frænda sinna, to visit one's kinsmen)
> Melkorka talks with Olaf her son then when they meet that
> she wants that he go abroad and visit his more noble
> kinsmen "because I have told truly that Myrkjartan is
> certainly my father and he is king of Ireland.
> Melkorka talks to Ólafr, her son, when theyI'd go with Rob's and Grace's 'money' for <fé> here, or
> meet-each-other that she wants that he goes abroad to
> visit his noble kinsmen “because I have truly said that,
> that Mýrkjartan is assuredly my father and he is King of
> (the) Irish.
> Og ef það nemur við förinni að þú þykist hafa fé of lítið
> þá mun eg heldur það til vinna að giftast Þorbirni ef þú
> ræðst þá til ferðar heldur en áður því að eg ætla að hann
> leggi fram vöruna svo sem þú kannt þér þörf til ef hann
> náir ráðahag við mig.
> And if that is-a-hindrance-to that it seems to you (to)
> have too little money then I will get-married to Thorbirn
> if you are resolved then to journey previously so that I
> intend that he put forward wares so that you can need to
> if he get marriage with me.
> And if it is a hindrance (Z nema 8) with the journey that
> you think yourself to have too little money, then I will
> rather that to work to marry Thorbjorn if you decided then
> for (the) journey rather than before?? because I intend
> that he pays for the wares in advance?? such as you know
> you (have) need of if he gets marriage with me.
> And if that is a hindrance to the journey that you
> bethink-yourself to have too little property, then I will
> be all-the-more ready to marry Þorbjörn if you then
> undertake (the) journey than before, because I expect that
> he would-put forward the wares (goods) such as you know of
> a need for yourself (?), if he gets marriage with me.