From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11283
Date: 2010-09-08
> Fara nú menn í milli þeirra er voru beggja vinir og beraSince 'due' is a possible translation of <réttr>, I'd
> sættarorð af Höskulds hendi til Hrúts en Hrútur tók því
> vel, kvaðst að vísu vilja semja við Höskuld, kvaðst þess
> löngu hafa verið búinn að þeir semdu sína frændsemi eftir
> því sem vera ætti ef Höskuldur vildi honum rétts unna.
> Men now go between them who were friends of both and
> convey words-of-peace from Hoskuld's hands to Hrut's, and
> Hrut received that well, stated-for-himself (he) certainly
> want(ed) to treat with Hoskuld, stated-for-himself of-that
> long-ago (he) has been ready that they should restore
> their relationship to a proper footing if Hoskuld wanted
> (to) grant him his due. (Z. semja 4 at þeir semdi sína
> frændsemi eptir því sem vera ætti, that they should
> restore their relationship to a proper footing)
> Men now go between them and were friends of both and
> carried words of reconciliation on Hoskuld's behalf to
> Hrut and Hrut received it well, said he certainly wanted
> to treat with (semja Z 2) Hoskuld, said of himself to have
> been ready for this for a long time that they restore
> their relationship (semja Z 4) after it as to be entitled?
> if Hoskuld wanted to do right by him.
> Men (persons) now go (in the extended sense of mediate)
> between them, who were friends of both and carried
> words-of-mediation from Höskuldr´s hand (ie on behalf of
> Höskuldr) to Hrútr but (and) Hrútr received that well,
> declared-for-himself certainly to want to settle with
> Höskuldr, declared-of-himself for a long time to have been
> willing for that, that they mend their kinship in line
> with (after) that which was-obliged (eiga, Z3) to be (? to
> a proper footing), if Höskuldr wanted to grant him (the)
> right (his due).
> Hrútur kvaðst og Höskuldi vilja unna sóma fyrir afbrigðZoëga's gloss for <sómi> is incomplete: it can also mean
> þau er hann hafði gert af sinni hendi.
> Hrut stated-for-himself also to-Hoskuld (to) want (to)
> grant honor for those transgressions which he (i.e., Hrut)
> had done with his hands.
> Hrut said he also wanted to do honour for those
> transgressions which he had done on his behalf.
> Hrútr declared-of-himself also to want to bestow honour to
> Höskuldr for those transgressions which he had done on his
> behalf (for his own part).
> Eru nú þessi mál sett og samið í milli þeirra bræðraI'd say 'settled and put right between' or the like.
> Höskulds og Hrúts.
> This agreement was now made and (it was) settled between
> them, (the) brothers Hoskuld and Hrut.
> Now these cases are settled and reconciled between those
> brothers, Hoskuld and Hrut.
> These matters ae now settled and settled between those
> brothers, Höskuldr and Hrútr.
> Hrútur gætir nú bús síns og gerist mikill maður fyrir sér.Rob's got this one: <mikill fyrir sér> is an idiom, 'of
> Hrut now takes-care-of his farm and became a powerful man.
> (Z. fyrir 13 mikill f. sér, strong, powerful)
> Hrut takes care of his farm now and makes a great man of
> himself.
> Hrútr attends now to his farm and becomes a great
> (important) man of himself (in his own right).
> Þar er nú þjóðgata.It's not an American usage; it's an old British usage.
> A high road is now there. (Zoega has "high road," which
> apparently in American English means a main road.)
> There is now a high road.And as Alan indicates, it's quite literally a public
> There is now a high-road (public thoroughfare).
> Aðra konu átti Hrútur þá er Þorbjörg hét.<Þá> is ambiguous, and I can't offhand rule out the 'now'
> Then Hrut had another wife who was-named Thorbjorg.
> Hrut had another wife then who was called Thorbjorg.
> Hrútr had (in marriage) a second wife (woman), that-one
> who was called Þorbjörg.
> Svo segja menn að Hrútur væri svo á þingi eitt sumar aðRob & Grace: The subjunctive <væri> doesn't carry over into
> fjórtán synir hans væru með honum.
> So say men that Hrut were so, at (the) Thing one summer
> that fourteen of his sones were with him.
> So say people that Hrut were so at (the) Thing one summer
> that fourteen sons of his were with him.
> Men (persons) so say, that Hrútr was at (the) Thing one
> summer such that fourteen sons of his were with him.
> Þorleikur gerir bú á þeim bæ er heitir á Kambsnesi ogI think that Grace has correctly interpreted <gerir bú>;
> leysir Höskuldur út fé hans.
> Thoreik builds a farm at the farms which are-called
> Combs-ness and Hoskuld pays out his money.
> Thorleik makes a home in that farm which is called at
> Comb's Ness and Hoskuld pays out his money.
> Þorleikr builds a house at that farm which is called (at)
> Kambsnes (Comb’s-Ness) and Höskuldr pays out his money
> (?).
> Hafði hann þá umsýslu ekki minnur en Höskuldur.Alan's interpretation is right (with 'then'), but CV is a
> He had then not less aid than Hoskuld. (Whatever that
> means .)
> He had then no less a manager than Hoskuld.
> He had that (then?) an occupation (position, ie his
> authority in managing the farm) not less than Höskuldr.
> Dætra Höskulds er hér eigi getið mjög.Höskuld's daughters are not mentioned much *here*.
> (It) is not spoken-of much Hoskuld's daughters.
> Hoskuld's daughters are here not mentioned more.
> (The) daughters of Höskuldr are not mentioned much.
> Þó eru menn frá þeim komnir.'Nevertheless' would be my first choice. Both it and
> Although men/people were descended from them.
> Still people are descended from them.
> Still persons are come (descended) from them.