Laxdaela Saga 19 end + beginning 20 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 11281
Date: 2010-09-06
Fara nú menn í milli þeirra er voru beggja vinir og bera sættarorð af
Höskulds hendi til
Men now go between them and were friends of both and carried words of
reconciliation on Hoskuld's behalf
Hrúts en Hrútur tók því vel, kvaðst að vísu vilja semja við Höskuld, kvaðst
þess löngu
to Hrut and Hrut received it well, said he certainly wanted to treat with
(semja Z 2) Hoskuld, said of himself
hafa verið búinn að þeir semdu sína frændsemi eftir því sem vera ætti ef
Höskuldur vildi
to have been ready for this for a long time that they restore their
relationship (semja Z 4) after it as to be entitled? if Hoskuld wanted
honum rétts unna. Hrútur kvaðst og Höskuldi vilja unna sóma fyrir afbrigð
þau er hann
to do right by him. Hrut said he also wanted to do honour for those
transgressions which he
hafði gert af sinni hendi. Eru nú þessi mál sett og samið í milli þeirra
bræðra Höskulds og
had done on his behalf. Now these cases are settled and reconciled between
those brothers, Hoskuld and
Hrúts. Taka þeir nú upp frændsemi sína góða héðan í frá.
Hrut. They take establish now their relationship well hence forth.
Hrútur gætir nú bús síns og gerist mikill maður fyrir sér. Ekki var hann
afskiptinn um
Hrut takes care of his farm now and makes a great man of himself. He was
not cheated
flesta hluti en vildi ráða því er hann hlutaðist til. Hrútur þokaði nú
bústað sínum og bjó
concerning most things and wanted to determine it when he involved himself
in (things). Hrut moved his dwelling place and lived
þar sem nú heitir á Hrútsstöðum allt til elli. Hof átti hann í túni og sér
þess enn merki.
where (it) is now called Hrut's steads all(ways) into (his) old age. He had
a temple in a field and one still sees remains of this.
Það er nú kallað Tröllaskeið. Þar er nú þjóðgata.
It is now called Troll's way. There is now a high road.
Hrútur kvongaðist og fékk konu þeirrar er Unnur hét, dóttir Marðar gígju.
Unnur gekk frá
Hrut took a wife and married that woman who was called Unn, daughter of Mord
fiddle. Unn parted with
honum. Þar af hefjast deilur þeirra Laxdæla og Fljótshlíðinga. Aðra konu
átti Hrútur þá er
him. There from begins a quarrel between them, Salmon River Dale (people)
and River Slope folks. Hrut had another wife then who
Þorbjörg hét. Hún var Ármóðsdóttir. Átt hefir Hrútur hina þriðju konu, og
nefnum vér
was called Thorbjorg. She was Armod's daughter. Hrut has had a third wife
and we name
hana eigi. Sextán sonu átti Hrútur og tíu dætur við þessum tveim konum. Svo
segja menn
her not. Hrut had sixteen sons and ten daughters with these two wives. So
say people
að Hrútur væri svo á þingi eitt sumar að fjórtán synir hans væru með honum.
Því er þessa
that Hrut were so at (the) Thing one summer that fourteen sons of his were
with him. For this reason is this
getið að það þótti vera rausn mikil og afli því að allir voru gervilegir
synir hans.
said that it seemed to be a great splendor and power because all his sons
were accomplished (capable men).
20. kafli - Af þeim bræðrum
Höskuldur situr nú í búi sínu og gerist hniginn á hinn efra aldur en synir
hans eru nú
Hoskuld sits now in his farm and advances in age to the later years and his
sons are now
þroskaðir. Þorleikur gerir bú á þeim bæ er heitir á Kambsnesi og leysir
Höskuldur út fé
adults. Thorleik makes a home in that farm which is called at Comb's Ness
and Hoskuld pays out his money.
hans. Eftir þetta kvongast hann og fékk konu þeirrar er Gjaflaug hét, dóttir
After that he takes a wife and marries that woman who was called Gjaflaug,
daughter of Arnbjorn
Sleitu-Bjarnarsonar og Þorlaugar Þórðardóttur frá Höfða. Það var göfugt
kvonfang. Var
son of Sleitu- Bjorn and Thorlaug daughter of Thord of Hofdi. It was a
noble marriage.
Gjaflaug væn kona og ofláti mikill. Þorleikur var engi dældarmaður og hinn
mesti garpur.
Gjaflaug was a beautiful woman and very showy. Thorleik was no easy-going
man and the boldest.
Ekki lagðist mjög á með þeim frændum, Hrúti og Þorleiki. Bárður son Höskulds
Not much arose? between those kinsmen, Hrut and Thorleik. Bard, Hoskuld's
son, was
heima með föður sínum. Hafði hann þá umsýslu ekki minnur en Höskuldur. Dætra
at home with his father. He had then no less a manager than Hoskuld.
Höskulds er hér eigi getið mjög. Þó eru menn frá þeim komnir.
daughters are here not mentioned more. Still people are descended from
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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