From: bmscotttg
Message: 11261
Date: 2010-08-25
> Kölluðu það flestir að Hrútur hefði rétt að mæla.Here I think that Grace's reading is right. Zoëga s.v.
> Most said it that Hrut was right to speak (up for his
> entitlement).
> Most (people) said that, that Hrútr had (the) right to
> speak (ie plead his case).
> Hrútur kvaðst það ekki hirða, kvað þá því verrum förumDative plural of <för>, whose basic sense is 'a journey' but
> fara skyldu sem þeir væru fleiri.
> Hrut said he didn't care, said for that reason it then
> would go worse (förum??) as they were more.
> Hrútr declared-of-himself (that he) cared not (gave not aThis is <því> with comparative and <sem>, Zoëga s.v. <því>
> tinker´s damn) about that, declared them (ie that they, ie
> Höskuldr's men) in that (affair) should travel in a worse
> passage (ie end up worse off) as they were more (ie to the
> extent that there were more of `em).