Thanks, Alan, for sorting out these bits.

og kölluðust (kallast) eigi mundu trúnað (noun) á leggja raunarlaust og
töldu (telja) þeir sér fé hálft við Þorkel.
and they said of themselves (that they) would not place (leggja á) trust in
(it) without-proof and they claimed (see telja sér e-t, Z3) for
themselves half the property

Þá varð sá skír (skíra, verb) er undir jarðarmen gekk ef torfan féll (falla)
eigi á hann.
Then that one (ie he) who crept under (the) sod was purified (skíra) if
the turf (sod) did not fall on him.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa