Laxdaela Saga 18 part 2 - - Grace's translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 11218
Date: 2010-08-02

Þorsteinn surtur bjó ferð sína af vorþingi en smali var rekinn eftir
ströndinni. Þorsteinn

Thorstein the black readied for his journey from (the) spring Thing and
small livestock were driven along the strand. Thorstein

skipaði ferju og gekk þar á með tólfta mann. Var þar Þórarinn á mágur hans
og Ósk

manned a large boat and went there on with 12 men (including himself).
Thorarinn, his in-law was there and Osk

Þorsteinsdóttir og Hildur hennar dóttir er enn fór með þeim og var hún

Thorstein's daughter and Hildr, her daughter, who still went with them and
she was three years old

Þorsteinn tók útsynning hvassan. Sigla þeir inn að straumum í þann straum er

Thorstein got a sharp southwesterly gale. They sail in to a current in that
tide (?) which is called

Kolkistustraumur. Sá er í mesta lagi þeirra strauma er á Breiðafirði eru.
Þeim tekst

Kolkisttustraum. That is in greatest degree (most powerful) of those
currents which are in Broad Firth.

siglingin ógreitt. Heldur það mest til þess að þá var komið útfall sjávar en
byrinn ekki

(This) resulted in difficult sailing for them. It remained most like that
until then low tide came and no kindly breeze

vinveittur því að skúraveður var á og var hvasst veðrið þá er rauf en
vindlítið þess í milli.

because showery weather was on and then was a sharp wind which cleared and
this calm in between.

Þórarinn stýrði og hafði aktaumana um herðar sér því að þröngt var á
skipinu. Var

Thorarinn steered and had the sail braces round his shoulders because (it)
was crowded on the ship.

hirslum mest hlaðið og varð hár farmurinn en löndin voru nær. Gekk skipið
lítið því að

(The ship) was laden with great chests and the cargo became high and land
was near. The ship went slowly because

straumurinn gerðist óður að móti. Síðan sigla þeir á sker upp og brutu ekki
að. Þorsteinn

the current became violent against (it). Afterwards they sail up on a rock
and (the ship) did not break up. Thorstein

bað fella seglið sem skjótast, bað menn taka forka og ráða af skipinu. Þessa
ráðs var

bade the sail be reefed as quickly as possible, bade men take poles and get
the ship off (the rock). This plan was

freistað og dugði eigi því að svo var djúpt á bæði borð að forkarnir kenndu
eigi niður og

tried and did not suffice because so deep was (the water) on both sides that
poles were not able (to touch) bottom and

varð þar að bíða aðfalls. Fjarar nú undan skipinu.

(it) happened (that they needed) to wait there for high tide. The ship is
now high and dry.

Þeir sáu sel í strauminum um daginn, meira miklu en aðra. Hann fór í hring
um skipið um

They saw a seal in the current during the day, more large than others. He
went in a ring around the ship during

daginn og var ekki fitjaskammur. Svo sýndist þeim öllum sem mannsaugu væru í

the day and was not short-flippered. So seemed (it) to them all as had he
eyes of a man.

Þorsteinn bað þá skjóta selinn. Þeir leita við og kom fyrir ekki. Síðan féll
sjór að. Og er

Thorstein bade them shoot the seal. They tried and (it) came to naught.
Afterwards (the) tide came in. and when

nær hafði að skipið mundi fljóta þá rekur á hvassviðri mikið og hvelfir
skipinu og

nearly (they) had (it) that the ship would float, then a very sharp wind
drives and capsizes the ship and

drukkna nú menn allir þeir er þar voru á skipinu nema einn maður. Þann rak á
land með

all those men drown now who were there on the ship except for one man. Then
(he) washes up on land with

viðum. Sá hét Guðmundur. Þar heita síðan Guðmundareyjar.

wood. That one is called Gudmund. There after (it) is called Gudmund's

Guðríður átti að taka arf eftir Þorstein surt föður sinn, er átti Þorkell
trefill. Þessi tíðindi

Gudrid, who was married to Thorkell tatters, was obliged to inherit after
Thorstein the black, her father. These tidings

spyrjast víða, drukknun Þorsteins surts og þeirra manna er þar höfðu látist.
Þorkell sendir

were learned of widely, of the drowning of Thorstein the black and of those
men who had died there. Thorkell sends

þegar orð þessum manni, Guðmundi, er þar hafði á land komið. Og er hann
kemur á fund

word at once to this man, Gudmund, who had come on land there. And when he
comes to a meeting

Þorkels þá slær Þorkell við hann kaupi á laun að hann skyldi svo greina
frásögn um líflát

with Thorkell then Thorkell strikes a bargain secretly with him that he
should so report the account of death

manna sem hann segði fyrir. Því játti Guðmundur. Heimtir nú Þorkell af honum

of people as he told him before. Gudmund agreed to it. Thorkell now
demands of him an account

um atburð þenna svo að margir menn voru hjá. Þá segir Guðmundur svo, kvað

about that event so that many men were nearby. Then Gudmund tells thus,
said Thorstein

hafa fyrst drukknað, þá Þórarin mág hans. Þá átti Hildur að taka féið því að
hún var dóttir

to have drowned first, then Thorarinn his in-law. Then Hildr was obliged to
take (the) wealth because she was Thorarinn's daughter

Þórarins, þá kvað hann meyna drukkna því að þar næst var Ósk hennar arfi,

then he said the child drowned because there nearest was Osk, her
inheritance, her mother,

hennar, og lést hún þeirra síðast. Bar þá féið allt undir Þorkel trefil því
að Guðríður kona

and she died last of them. All the wealth was brought under Thorkell
tatters because Gudrid,

hans átti fé að taka eftir systur sína.

his wife, was obliged to inherit after her sister.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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