Thanks for sorting out the problems I had with this section, Alan.

biðja hann nokkuð úr (ór) ráða.
asked him to find some solution (see ráða ór e-u, Z16).

fjárgangur (gen of fé + gangr)
sheep-walking (cattle-activity)

Sumarliði son Hrapps tók fé eftir hann og var bæði mikið og frítt.
Sumarliði, son of Hrapp took (inherited) property after him and (it, ie
the inheritance (neut) not Sumarliði (masc)) was both great and fine.

Nú á (eiga) Vigdís móðir hans að taka þar ein fé þetta allt.
Now Vigdís his mother has to take (inherit) there all this same (see
einn, Z2) property.

mestir menn og mest metnir (metinn).
greatest men and (the) most

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa