Laxdaela Saga end 17 + beginning 18 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 11202
Date: 2010-07-26
There were several words I couldn't find at all and I would welcome any help
with this section.
Þá kallaði Hrappur til sín Vigdísi konu sína og mælti: "Ekki hefi eg verið
Then Hrapp called Vigdis, his wife, to him and spoke, "I have not been
segir hann, "er og það líkast að þessi sótt skilji vorar samvistur. En þá að
eg er andaður þá
says he, "and it is most likely that this sickness would part our living
together. And then that I am dead then
vil eg mér láta gröf grafa í eldhúsdyrum og skal mig niður setja standanda
þar í dyrunum.
I want to have a grave dug in the fire-house-door and (you) shall set me
down standing there in the door(way).
Má eg þá enn vendilegar sjá yfir híbýli mín."
I am able then still to carefully oversee my houshold."
Eftir þetta deyr Hrappur.
After that Hrapp dies.
Svo var með öllu farið sem hann hafði fyrir sagt því að hún treystist eigi
öðru. En svo
So was performed with all as he had previously said because she dared not
other(wise). But as
illur sem hann var viðureignar þá er hann lifði þá jók nú miklu við er hann
var dauður því
bad as he was to deal with then when he lived then (his terrorizing)
increased now greatly when he was dead because
að hann gekk mjög aftur. Svo segja menn að hann deyddi flest hjón sín í
he went (about) much as a ghost afterwards. So say people that he killed
most of his household as a ghost.
Hann gerði mikinn ómaka þeim flestum er í nánd bjuggu. Var eyddur bærinn á
He made great trouble for most of them who lived nearby. The farm at Hrapp's
steads was empty.
Vigdís kona Hrapps réðst vestur til Þorsteins surts bróður síns. Tók hann
við henni og fé hennar.
Vigdis, Hrapp's wife, removed west to Thorstein surt, her brother. He
received her and her wealth.
Nú var enn sem fyrr að menn fóru á fund Höskulds og sögðu honum til þeirra
Now was yet as before that people went to a meeting with Hoskuld and told
him their difficulties
er Hrappur gerir mönnum og biðja hann nokkuð úr ráða. Höskuldur kvað svo
vera skyldu,
which Hrapp does to people and ask him to plan some (way) out. Hoskuld said
so should (it) be,
fer með nokkura menn á Hrappsstaði og lætur grafa upp Hrapp og færa hann í
brott þar er
goes with some men to Hrapp's steads and has Hrapp dug up and carries him
away there where
síst væri fjárgangur í nánd eða mannaferðir. Eftir þetta nemast af heldur
afturgöngur Hrapps.
least travelers? were in the neighborhood or people traveling. After that
Hrapp's ghostly appearances (were) rather abolished.
Sumarliði son Hrapps tók fé eftir hann og var bæði mikið og frítt. Sumarliði
gerði bú á
Sumarlidi, Hrapp's son, inherited his wealth and was both big and handsome.
Sumarlidi made a farm at
Hrappsstöðum um vorið eftir og er hann hafði þar litla hríð búið þá tók hann
ærsl og dó litlu síðar.
Hrapp's stead during the next spring and he had lived there a short time
then he had a seizure (or went mad?) and died a little later.
Nú á Vigdís móðir hans að taka þar ein fé þetta allt. Hún vill eigi fara til
landsins á
Now Vigdis, his mother, alone is obliged to take all that wealth. She does
not want to go to the land at
Hrappsstöðum. Tekur nú Þorsteinn surtur fé þetta undir sig til varðveislu.
Þorsteinn var
Hrapp's steads. Thorstein surts takes that money now under his keeping.
Thorstein was
þá hniginn nokkuð og þó hinn hraustasti og vel hress.
then somewhat advanced in years and still the most hearty and very hale.
18. kafli - Af þeim Surts sonum
Í þann tíma hófust þeir upp til mannvirðingar í Þórsnesi frændur Þorsteins,
Börkur hinn
In that time, they, Thorstein's kinsmen - Bork the stout and Thorgrim, his
brother, raised up (their) renown in Thorsness.
digri og Þorgrímur bróðir hans. Brátt fannst það á að þeir bræður vildu þá
vera þar mestir
Soon it seemed that those brothers wanted then to be there the most
(important) men
menn og mest metnir. Og er Þorsteinn finnur það þá vill hann eigi við þá
bægjast, lýsir
and most famous? And when Thorstein learns it then he does not want to
quarrel with them, announces
því fyrir mönnum að hann ætlar að skipta um bústaði og ætlaði að fara
byggðum á Hrappsstaði í Laxárdal.
it before men that he intends to move house and expected to go settle in
Hrapp's steads in Salmon River Dale.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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