Víga-Óbívan vildi eigi sjá bandamann sinn Anakin drepinn, ok hjó til Dúkús

Slayer Obiwan did not want to see his confederate, Anakinn, slain, and hewed
at Duku with

Ljósamæki inn grona. En Dúkú var seiðmaðr mikill, ok hann kvað galdra á

Lightsaber the green. But Duku was a mighty wizard and he recited a (very
brief!) spell (directed) at Slayer Obiwan

Óbívani, svá at Víga-Óbívan fell til jarðar sofandi.

so that Slayer Obiwan fell to the earth asleep.

Dúkú ok Anakinn borðusk lengi, en Dúkú mælti: "Ek sé, at þat er þér mikill
ótti, mikit

Duku and Anakinn fought for a long time, and Duku spoke, "I see that to you
is (you feel) much fear, much

hatr, mikill reiðr. En þessi duga þér eigi."

hatred, much anger. But this will not suffice for you."

Nú reiddisk Anakinn mjok, ok hann tók Ljósamæki inn grona frá hendinni Víga-

Now Anakinn becomes very angry, and he took Lightsaber the green from the
hand of Slayer

Óbívani, ok hann hjó stórlega hart með þetta sverð, ok skar af Dúkú báðar

Obiwan and he hewed mightily hard with that sword, and cut off both Duku's

Dúkú fell á knjónum, en Falfaðinn konungr hló.

Duku fell to (his) knees, and King Palpatine laughed.

"Þú hefir gort vel," mælti Falfaðinn konungr, "Drep hann."

"You have done well," said King Palpatine. "Kill him."

En Anakinn vildi ekki drepa Dúkú, "Því at hann er foðurfaðir Víga-Óbívans

But Anakinn did not want to kill Duku, "Because he is Slayer Obiwan, son of
Kvaeggan's grandfather,

Kvægganssonar, ok er hann bandamaðr minn. Dræpi ek frænda hans, væri þat

and he is my confederate. Were I to kill his kinsman, it would be a great

skomm, ok fjolskylda hans hefndi mér hans."

and his duty to avenge him against me."

"Drepir þú hann," mælti konungr, "Mun ek gera þik bestan af ollum hirðmonnum

"You kill him," said (the) king, "I will make you best of all my kingsmen

mínum, ok ek vil veita þér gersimi, gull, ok somð."

and I will give you costly treasure, gold and honour."

Nú tók Anakinn þat sverð Ljósamæki inn rauða, er var fallit til fóta honum,
í venstri

Now Anakinn took that sword, Lighsaber the red, which had fallen to his feet
in (his) left

hendi, ok hann helt enn Ljósamæki inn grona í hogri. Ok með bæði sverð hjó
hann hofuðit Dúkús af.

hand and he still held Lightsaber the green in (his) right. And with both
swords he hewed off Duku's head.

Nú leysti Anakinn Falfaðin konung frá fjoðrunum, ok konungr mælti, "At vit
hljótum at

Now Anakinn freed King Palpatine from the fetters and (the) king spoke, "We
are obliged to

svimma til fjoru sem fljótast," því at skipit brann.

swim to shore as quickly as possible," because the ship burned.

"Ek skal eigi bjarga lífi mínu," segir Anakinn himingangari, "Nema ek bjarga
lífi Víga-

"I shall not save my life," says Anakinn skywalker, "Unless I save (the)
life of Slayer

Óbívans Kvægganssonar ok. Hann hefir tekinn mik sem bróður sinn, ok vilda ek

Obiwan Kvaeggan's son also. He has taken me as his brother and I did not
with to

blekkja minn bróður."

deceive my brother."

En Falfaðinn konungr mælti, "Þú drapt foðurfoður hans, ok fyrir þat vildi
hann hefna þér hans."

But King Palpatine spoke, "You killed his grandfather, and for that he
wanted to avenge him against you."
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa