Star Wars X part 2 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 11149
Date: 2010-06-24
Anakinn himingangari sá, at it óarga dýr kúgaði Paðému, ok hann reið
graðungi til þess
Anakinn Skywalker saw that the lion cowed Padme and he rode (the) bull to
dýrs, ok graðungr stakk it óarga dýr með hornunum. Paðéma hljóp ór trénu á
graðung, ok
beast and (the) bull stuck the lion with the horns. Padme leaped out of
(the) tree onto (the) bull, and
þau riðu til Víga-Óbívans, er reynði enn at hleypa undan dreka.
they rode to Slayer Obiwan who still tried to run away from (the) dragon.
Dúkú Jóðason var reiðr, er hann sá, at Anakinn ok Paðému drápu it óarga dýr.
Hans menn
Duku Yoda's son was angry when he saw that Anakinn and Padme killed the
lion. His men
gengu inn í holm, ok vildu drepa þau.
went in onto (the) island, and wanted to kill them.
En maðr setti sverð þá á hálsi Dúkús.
But a man placed a sword then to Duku's neck.
"Meis Vindússon," segir Dúkú, "Ek em glaðr, at þú ert kominn hingat."
"Meis Vindu's son," says Duku, "I am glad that you have come hither."
En Meis mælti, "Sjá hólmganga fær eigi haldit fram, móðurníðingr."
But Meis spoke, "That duel is not able to continue?, mother-nithing."
Síðan sá Dúkú, at þat var margir Jeðifjarðamenn komnir með Meis, ok allir
með brugðum
Afterwards Duku saw that it was many Jedi Firth men come with Meis, and all
with drawn
sverðum í hondunum.
swords in the hands.
"Þú ert djarfr," segir Dúkú, "En fíflskufullr, foðurvinr minn. Þat er mjok
fleiri menn hér, er standa með mér, en standa með þér."
"You are daring," says Duku, "But full of folly, my father's friend. There
are more men here, who stand with me than stand with you."
"Ek trúi, at ek hefi fleiri," segir Meis.
"I believe that I have more," says Meis.
"Vit sjáum til," segir Dúkú. En hann hljóp undan, meðan menn skutu orum til
Meisar. En
"We'(ll) see about (that)," says Duku. And he runs away while people shot
arrows at Meis. But
þat var engi maðr, er fekk oru skotin, áðr en Meis Vindússon fekk or vikna
frá. Fær engi
it was no man who got an arrow shot before Meis Vindu's son was able to get
away from (the) arrow.
maðr hoggvit skjótari en Meis Vindússon, ok hann drap margan bogmann með
sverði sínu.
No man was able more quickly to smite? than Meis Vindu's son and he killed
many bowmen with his sword.
Meis Vindússon drap inn stóra graðung, ok Jeðifjarðamenn er fylgðu honum
gáfu Anakni
Meis Vindu's son killed the great bull and (the) Jedi Firth men who
accompanied him gave Anakinn
tvau sverð. Anakinn sleit fjotrar Víga-Óbívans, ok gaf honum eitt sverð. Nú
stóðu þeir
two swords. Anakinn slit Slayer Obiwan's fetters and gave him one sword.
Now they stood
með Jeðifjorðumonnum, ok drápu marga manna Dúkús. Paðéma dróttning tók boga
with (the) Jedi Firth men and killed many of Duku's men. Queen Padme took a
bow from
manni drepnum af Meis, ok hon drap marga menn með orum. En fleiri menn kvámu
a man killed by Meis and she killed many men with arrows. But more men came
ollum er fellu, ok Jeðifjarðamennirnir urðu þreyttir.
all who fell and (the) Jedi Firth men became exhausted.
En þá menn heyrðu Paðému dróttning segja, "Séð ér!" Ok þeir sá at á hofn var
And then men heard Queen Padme to say, "Look ye!" And they saw that a ship
had come to (the) harbor
skip, ok Jóði Gormóarson sté fram, ok með hann frá þessum skipum kvámu
and Yoda Gormoarson stood in front and with him from this ship came fighting
men from the Faroes
bardagamenn, er stóðu með Jeðifjarðamenn. Færeyingar drápu margan mann í her
who stood with (the) Jedi Firth men. The Faroese killed many a man in Duku's
með sverði ok með boga ok með atgeiri.
with swords, and with bows and with spears.
En dreki lifði enn, ok hann drap með eldi, eða með klóunum, eða með blóðgum
But (the) dragon still lived and he killed with fire or with claws or with
bloody teeth,
alla menn er hann fekk rekna: jeðifjarðamenn, Dúkús menn, ok færeyinga. En
engi maðr
he was able to drive back all men, Jedi Firth men, Duku's men and the
Faroese. But no man
fekk rekinn dreka, því at skinn hans var hart sem steinn.
was able to drive the dragon because his skin was hard as stone.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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