If your error is trouble typing special characters, simply click your "start menu", then click "run," then type "charmap.exe" (without the quotation marks).  This little program allows you to type anything from a whole sentence to a single letter, and is standard with window xp or higher.

-Josh Christianson

2010/5/20 Stridmann <stridmann@...>

Dear Sirs!
I tried to translate a tiny dialog into Old Norse.
Please tell me, where is the error! :)

"Ek haf verit ma&#240;r konungs &#225;g&#230;ta &#237; Miklagar&#240;i. V&#233;r drukkum v&#237;n konunglig ok &#225;tum &#243;r gulldiskum ok sv&#225;fum &#225; purpurapellum…"
"Hv&#237; &#254;&#250; leif&#240;ir g&#243;&#240;an sta&#240; &#254;enna sv&#225; flj&#243;tt?"
"Um kveldit konungrinn kom aptr &#237; h&#246;ll s&#237;na ok var allrei&#240;r, er hann s&#225; &#254;etta."