Thanks, Alan!

Jórunn spyr hver kona sú væri er í för var með honum.
Jórunn asks who that woman was who was in company (see för, Z1) with him.

hún kynni góðra návist en nú þykir mér það allra sýnst (see allr, Z6) ef
hún er bæði dauf og mállaus."
she makes-known a friendly presence (?) but (and) now
that seems to me all-the-more likely if she is both deaf and speechless

Höskuldur svaf hjá húsfreyju sinni hverja nótt síðan hann kom heim en hann
var fár við frilluna.
Höskuldr slept alongside his wife every night after he came home but (and)
he was cool (see fár, Z2) towards the-concubine.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa