Many question marks.


Þat var einu hverju sinni, at þeir fengu áfoll stór þrjú nokkur, ok sagði

It was one certain time, that they got some three heavy seas and Slayer
Obiwan said

Víga-Óbívan þá, at þeir væri nær londum ok þetta væri grunnfoll. Þoka var á

then that they were near land and these were green breakers. (There) was
much fog,

mikil, en veðrit óx, svá at gerði at þeim hríð mikla. Fundu þeir eigi, fyrr

and the weather grew worse so that they were overtaken by a great storm (Z).
They didn't find (the land) before

en þá keyrði á land upp um nótt, ok varð þar mannbjorg, en skip brotnaði

they were driven up on land during (the) night and all hands were saved but
the ship broke up
allt í spán, en fé máttu þeir ekki bjarga. Urðu þeir at leita sér verma.

all in splinters and they were not able to save (the) wealth. They were
obliged to seek to warm themselves.

En um daginn eptir gengu þeir upp á hæð nokkura. Var þá veðr gott.

And during the next day they went up on some headland. Then (the) weather
was good.

Víga-Óbívan spurði, ef þeir menn kenndi land þetta, er farit hofðu áðr.

Slayer Obiwan asked if those men, who had sailed before, recognized this

Tveir váru menn, þeir er kenndu landit ok sogðu þá vera komna við Írland í

(There) were two men, they who recognized the land and said them to be
(have) touched (land in ) Ireland in
Þíðborg. "Fá máttu vér verri landtoku," segir Víga-Óbívan, "því at Paðéma in

Theed. "We could (have made) little? worse landing," says Slayer Obiwan,
"because Padme the

væna Rúvísdóttir ræðr hér. Við henni ok Falfaðni er þat ekki mart. Ganga

beautiful, Ruvi's daughter rules here. With her and Palpatine it is not
much?. We shall submit

skulu vér á vald dróttningarinnar; gerir oss ekki annat, því at dróttning

to (the) power of the queen, nothing else works for us, because (the) queen

hefir at líku líf várt, ef hon vill eptir því leita." Ganga þeir þá allir í

has our life at (her) pleasure if she wants to seek after it." They all go

braut þaðan. Víga-Óbívan mælti, at þær skyldu engum manni segja tíðendin eða

away from there. Slayer Obiwan spoke, that they should tell no man tidings

frá ferðum sinni, fyrr en hann segði dróttningu.
of their journey, before he told the queen.

Fóru þeir þá, til þess er þeir fundu menn þá, er þeim vísuðu til

They went then until this when they met men then who directed them to

dróttningar; gengu þeir þá fyrir dróttning, ok kvoddu Víga-Óbívan ok Anakinn
hana ok allir þeir.

the queen; then they went before (the) queen and and Slayer Obiwan and
Anakin and they all greeted her.

Paðéma Rúvísdóttir var kvenna vænst er upp óxu í heimi, bæði at ásjónu ok

Padme Ruvis' daughter was the most beautiful of women who grew up in (her?)
home, both in appearance and

vitsmunum. Þat var at ágætum gort, hversu fogr hon var, ok því var hon

wisdom. It was highly praised how fair she was and (because of) it she was

kolluð Paðéma in væna. Paðéma var kurteis kona svá at í þann tíma þóttu allt

called Padme the beautiful. Padme was a courteous woman so that in that
time all thought

barnavipr þat er aðrar konur hofðu í skarti hjá henni. Allra kvenna var hon

it childish fancy?? (completely lost here) other women had in finery next
to her. Of all women was she

konst og bezt orði farin. Hon var orlynd dróttning.

most artistic?? artful?? and best spoken. She was a ?? queen.

Dróttning spurði, hvat manna þeir væri. Víga-Óbívan nefndi sik og sagði, ór

(The) queen asked, what men they were. Slayer Obiwan gave his name and said

hverri sveit hann var af Íslandi. Dróttning hafði spurt áðr, at Falfaðinn

of which company he was from Iceland. (The) queen had learned before that

sendi Maul inn rauða til þess at drepa Kvæggan Dúkússon ok Jóða Gormóarson,

sent Maul the red for this (reason) to kill Kvaeggan Duku's son and Yoda

ok kenndisk hon þegar við mennina. Hon spurði til Víga-Óbívans: "Hvat segir

and she recognized the men at once. She asked Slayer Obiwan, "What say

þú mér til Maular ins rauða Zabrakssonar, hirðmanns Falfaðins?"

you to me of Maul the red, Zabrak's son, king's man of Palpatine?"

"Þat," sagði Víga-Óbívan, "at ek hjó hann í sundr í miðju."

"That," said Slayer Obiwan, "that I hewed him asunder in the middle."

"Njóttú heill handa," segir Paðéma. Gerðisk Víga-Óbívan ok Anakinn þá

"Good luck go with your hands,(Z)" says Padme. Slayer Obiwan and Anakin
then became

hirðmenn Paðému dróttningar, ok kom Anakinn sér brátt í kærleika mikla við


queen's men of Queen Padme and Anakin brought himself quickly into great
friendliness with her.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa