> Hi Everyone,

> I was working on part 12 in the Laexdaela saga and a part of one
> sentence I have trouble with.

> The part of the sentence reads as follows:

> og geroi frio fyrir land sitt eftir pvi sem log stoou til hio prioja
> hvert sumar.

I assume that this is supposed to be:

og gerði frið fyrir land sitt eftir því sem lög stóðu til hið þriðja
hvert sumar

(If you use Windows, you might want to look into AllChars: it's
a free program, available at <http://allchars.zwolnet.com/>,
that lets you produce accented vowels, edh, and thorn very

Take it in parts: <gerði frið fyrir land sitt> is 'made peace for
his land', <eftir því sem lög stóðu til> is 'as was the law', and
<hið þriðja hvert sumar> is 'every third summer'.

In context we know that he's a king; he's meeting with the
kings of neighboring lands to renew agreements keeping
the peace. The phrase <eptir því sem lög stóðu til> is
actually mentioned in Zoëga s.v. <standa> (p. 404, 1st
column). Finally, this use of <hvert> is mentioned in Zoëga
s.v. <hverr> (pron.): <þriðja hvert ár> 'every three years'.
