I couldn't find "gerski" in my dictionary searches, but I see Grace had "Russian," so I shamelessly stole this translation.  Rob

Höskuldi Dala-Kollssyni þótti það ávant um rausn sína að honum þótti bær sinn húsaður verr en hann vildi.

(It was thought) of Hoskuld Dala-Kollsyn that is needed about his magnificence that to him thought his farm housed him worse than he wanted.

Síðan kaupir hann skip að hjaltneskum manni.

Then he buys a ship from from a Shetland man.

Það skip stóð uppi í Blönduósi.

That ship was laid ashore in Bloduose.  (Z. standa 5)

Það skip býr hann og lýsir því að hann ætlar utan en Jórunn varðveitir bú og börn þeirra.

He makes ready that ship and proclaims therefore that he intends (to go) from Iceland and Jorun keeps (the) farm and their children.


láta þeir í haf og gefur þeim vel og tóku Noreg heldur sunnarlega, komu við Hörðaland þar sem kaupstaðurinn í Björgvin er síðan.

Now they put to sea and they get a fair wind and reach Norway rather towards-the-south, come to Hordaland where the-market-town in Bjorgvin is since.  (Z. láta 12; Z. gefa 1; Z. sem 7)

Hann setur upp skip sitt og átti þar mikinn frænda afla þótt eigi séu hér nefndir.

He draws his ship ashore and had there many powerful relatives he thought not to summon here.  (Not sure about this.  Also, I don't find "séu" in either Z or VC.)  (Z. setja 11)

Þá sat Hákon konungur í Víkinni.

Then King Hakon sat (i.e., ruled) in Vikinni.

Höskuldur fór ekki á fund Hákonar konungs því að frændur hans tóku þar við honum báðum höndum.

Hoskuld did not go to meet King Kakon because his relatives received him there (with) both hands.  (Not sure about this sentence.  Is this the equivalent "received him with open arms"?) 

Var kyrrt allan þann vetur.

All was quiet that winter (or year).




War Tax

Það varð til tíðinda um sumarið öndvert að konungur fór í stefnuleiðangur austur í Brenneyjar og gerði frið fyrir land sitt eftir því sem lög stóðu til hið þriðja hvert sumar.

It happened around (the) beginning of summer that (the) king went on a naval-expedition-to-an-appointed-meeting in-the-east in Brenn-isles and made peace over his country according as laws stood until every third summer.  (Not sure of this.)

Sá fundur skyldi vera lagður höfðingja í milli að setja þeim málum er konungar áttu um að dæma.

That meeting would tax rulers in the middle to appoint them cases that the king had to judge.  (Not sure of this one, either.)

Það þótti skemmtileg för að sækja þann fund því að þangað komu menn nær af öllum löndum þeim er vér höfum tíðindi af.

It was thought an amusing journey to go to that meeting because to that place came men nearly of all the countries which we had news of.

Höskuldur setti fram skip sitt.

Hoskuld launched his ship.  (Z. setja 11)

Vildi hann og sækja fund þenna því að hann hafði eigi fundið konung á þeim vetri.

He also wanted to go to this meeting because he had not met (the) king last winter.  (How does "þeim" fit here?)

Þangað var og kaupstefnu að sækja.

A market was also coming to that place.

Fundur þessi var allfjölmennur.

This meeting was well-attended.

Þar var skemmtan mikil, drykkjur og leikar og alls kyns gleði.

There was much entertainment, drinks, and games and merriment of every kind.

Ekki varð þar til stórtíðinda.

Great events did not happen there.  (Does not sound right.)

Marga hitti Höskuldur þar frændur sína þá sem í Danmörku voru.

Hoskuld met there many of his relatives at-that-time who were in Denmark.


Og einn dag er Höskuldur gekk að skemmta sér með nokkura menn sá hann tjald eitt skrautlegt fjarri öðrum búðunum.

And one day that Hoskuld went to amuse himself with several men, he saw a magnificent tent far-from (the) other booths.

Höskuldur gekk þangað og í tjaldið og sat þar maður fyrir í guðvefjarklæðum og hafði gerskan hatt á höfði.

Hoskuld went to-that-place and in the tent and there sat a man in front in a-suit-of-clothes-made of-guðvefr (Z. guesses "velvet") and had a Russian hat on (his) head.

Höskuldur spurði þann mann að nafni.

Hoskuld asked this man about (his) name.


Hann nefndist Gilli "en þá kannast margir við ef heyra kenningarnafn mitt.

He is called Gill "and then can many recognize if (the) hear my surname. 

Eg er kallaður Gilli hinn gerski."

I am called Gill the Russian.


Höskuldur kvaðst oft hafa heyrt hans getið, kallaði hann þeirra manna auðgastan sem verið höfðu í kaupmannalögum.

Hoskuld states (he) often has heard his (name) spoken of, he said their man grow-wealthy as have been a merchant.


Þá mælti Höskuldur: "Þú munt hafa þá hluti að selja oss er vér viljum kaupa."

Then Hoskuld spoke: "you would then have part (I assume this means "something" here) to sell us that we would buy." 


Gilli spyr hvað þeir vilja kaupa förunautar.

Gill asks what they, the companions, would buy. 


Höskuldur segir að hann vill kaupa ambátt nokkura "ef þú hefir að selja."

Hoskuld says that he will buy some concubines "if you have for sale." (literally "to sell)