At 7:57:53 AM on Thursday, April 22, 2010, Fred and Grace
Hatton wrote:


> Þau vápn váru þá tíð.
> Those were weapons in those times.

Here <tíð> is the adjective <tíðr> 'usual, customary,
common' (neut. nom. plur.): 'Those weapons were then

> Þá hljóp Anakinn at Jarjara ok rak sverðit í
> höfuð honum svá at þegar stóð í heila.

> Then Anakinn leaped at Jarjar and drove the sword into his
> head so that at once (it) stood upright.(?)

<Heila> is the object of the preposition <í>, so you know
that it has to be in the dative or accusative; here we'd
expect the dative, because the sword is *standing* in
something, not *moving* into it, so the noun is most likely
a weak masc., <heili>. Sure enough, Zoëga has <heili>
'brain': 'so that [it] at once stood in [his] brain'.

> Hljópu þeir Gungamenn þá til vápna ok svá hvárirtveggju.
> They, Gungamen, leaped then to weapons and also both (?)

<Hvárirtveggju> is the nom. plur. 'each side, both sides':
both the men of Göngustaðir and those of Tattúínárdal leaped
to arms.


> En er Anakinn kom heim, lét Vattó sér fátt um finnask, en
> þaðan af hófusk deildir með þeim Vattó ok Víga-Óbívani.

> And when Anakin came home, Vatto disapproved (Z. láta, 5)
> but from that time(?) Vatto and Slayer-Obiwan began to
> deal with them (?)

Yes, <þaðan af> is 'from that time'; <deila með þeim> can be
'they disagreed', but here it seems to be a bit stronger:
'from that time V. and V.-Ó. quarreled/ were hostile to each
other/dealt badly with each other'.

> Smý kvað Anakin vera "jeðisefni" ok spáði þat mundu fyrir
> liggja, þegar hann hefði aldr til, at honum væri fenginn
> "xwing."

> Smy said Anakin to be "(made of?) Jedi-stuff"

<Jeðisefni> is parallel to <karlsefni> 'the makings of a
man', which is used as a nickname to mean 'a promising lad';
to be <jarlsefni> would be to have the makings of a Jedi.

> and foresaw it would lie ahead, as soon as he was old
> enough (?)

Yes: 'as soon as he had the age for [it]'.

> that for (?) him would be obtained "xwing."

Yes, though the usual English spelling is <X-wing>.


> Þat mælti mín móðir,
> My mother spoke it

> at mér skyldi kaupa
> that to me should buy

'that for me should be bought'; we'd probably use indefinite
<they> and say 'that they should buy me'.

> fley ok fagrar árar,
> a swift ship and fair oars,

> fara á brott með jeðum,
> to go away with (the) Jedi,

> standa upp í stafni,
> to stand up in (the) prow,

> stýra dýrum krossvængi,
> to steer ?????????????

This is the adjective <dýrr> 'precious, dear, costly,
valuable, splendid' and the neologism <krossvængr>
'cross-wing', meaning 'X-wing': 'to steer the splendid

> halda svá til hafnar,
> steer thus to (the) sea,

> höggva mann ok annan.
> to slay man and other.

I think that it's 'a man and [the] next', i.e., 'one man
after another'.

I have to head down to the university to teach an evening
class now, but I'll look at the rest later.
