Lots of things I wasn't sure of.
Anakinn reiddisk. Anakinn fór til fundar við Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson ok
sagði honum, hvat í hafði gerzt.
Anakin became angry. Anakin went to a meeting with Slayer Obiwan, Kvaeggan's
son and told him what had happened.
Víga-Óbívan seldi honum í hendr sverði eina, er Víga-Óbívan hafði haft í
hendi, ok þetta
Slayer Obiwan turned over to him a certain sword, which Slayer Obiwan had
had in hand and that
sverð hét Ljósamæki. Þau vápn váru þá tíð. Þá hljóp Anakinn at Jarjara ok
rak sverðit í
sword was named Lightsaber. Those were weapons in those times. Then
Anakinn leaped at Jarjar and drove the sword into
hofuð honum svá at þegar stóð í heila.
his head so that at once (it) stood upright.(?)
Hljópu þeir Gungamenn þá til vápna ok svá hvárirtveggju. Þar fellu sjau
menn, en Georg varð sárr til ólífis.
They, Gungamen, leaped then to weapons and also both (?) There fell seven
men, and Georg was mortally wounded.
En er Anakinn kom heim, lét Vattó sér fátt um finnask, en þaðan af hófusk
deildir með þeim Vattó ok Víga-Óbívani.
And when Anakin came home, Vatto disapproved (Z. láta, 5) but from that
time(?) Vatto and Slayer-Obiwan began to deal with them (?)
Smý kvað Anakin vera "jeðisefni" ok spáði þat mundu fyrir liggja, þegar hann
hefði aldr
Smy said Anakin to be "(made of?) Jedi-stuff" and foresaw it would lie
ahead, as soon as he was old
til, at honum væri fenginn "xwing." Anakinn kvað vísu:
enough (?) that for (?) him would be obtained "xwing." Anakin recited a
Þat mælti mín móðir,
My mother spoke it
at mér skyldi kaupa
that to me should buy
fley ok fagrar árar,
a swift ship and fair oars,
fara á brott með jeðum,
to go away with (the) Jedi,
standa upp í stafni,
to stand up in (the) prow,
stýra dýrum krossvængi,
to steer ?????????????
halda svá til hafnar,
steer thus to (the) sea,
hoggva mann ok annan.
to slay man and other.
Í þann tíma kom hallæri mikit um allan Tattúínárdal, svá at Kvæggan skorti
bæði hey ok
In that time a great famine came about all of Tattuine River Dale, so that
Kvaeggan was short of both hay and
mat. Þá kvaddi Kvæggan Víga-Óbívan til ferðar með sér. Þeir fóru í
Mósæslastaði ok
food. Then Kvaeggan recruited Slayer Obiwan to a journey with him. They
went to Mosaesla Stead and
kolluðu Vattó út; hann heilsaði þeim. Kvæggan tók vel kveðju hans.
called Vatto out, He greeted them. Kvaeggan received his greeting well.
"Svá er háttat," segir Kvæggan, "At ek em kominn at fala at þér hey ok mat,
ef til væri."
"So (it) is arranged," says Kvaeggan, "that I am come to demand to buy from
you hay and food if (there) be (any)."
"Hvárttveggja er til," segir Vattó, "en hvárki vil ek þér selja."
"(There) is both," says Vatto, "but neither will I sell you."
Víga-Óbívan mælti: "Þess væri vert, at vér tokim ok legðim vert í staðinn."
Slayer Obiwan spoke, "This would be worthwhile (?) that we took and left
(something of?) value in (its) place?"
"Með engi rán vil ek fara," segir Kvæggan.
"I won't go along with any robbery," says Kvaeggan.
"Vill þú kaupa þræl at mér?" segir Vattó.
"Do you want to buy a thrall (from?) me?" says Vatto.
"Þat spari ek eigi," segir Kvæggan. Síðan keypti Kvæggan Anakin himingangara
ok fór í braut við svá búit.
"I spare it not,(?)" says Kvaeggan. Afterwards Kvaeggan bought Anakin
Skywalker and went away as matters stood."
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa