I found it instructive to attempt a translation into Old Norse, so I thought I would try another one, again a quote from Star Wars:
That's no moon. It's a space station.
For the first sentence, I came up with:
Sá er ekki máni.
As I did some more research, I discovered that < máni> is the poetic word for moon, and there is another word <tungl>, which might fit the context better, so I then made it:
Þat er ekki tungl.
Working with the second sentence provided more challenges. The obvious difficulty is "space station." Also, Zoega is Old Norse to English, but not English to Old Norse. Zoega does have a search feature, but it searches all of the Northvegr site rather than just the dictionary. Yes, I could use the Zoega search and go through each hit for "space" and look to see if it takes me to a dictionary page or somewhere else, but I wanted a more elegant way to do this. Fortunately, though, Google has an advanced search feature where you can limit your search to a particular page (and all subpages), which I used to limit myself to just Zoega. Searching, then, for "space," I found:
<gap> n - empty space, gap
<rjóðr> n - open space in a forest
Of the above, I like < rúm> the best, probably because I remembered that modern Swedish uses a cognate of this for "space" as in space exploration.
Similarly, I did a search for "station" found:
<fiskiver> n fishing place or station
<útver> n - outlying fishing station
<vermaðr> m fisherman at an outlying station
<ver> n station for taking eggs, fishing, etc.
None of the above for "station" gave me a lot of confidence, so I thought it worth checking if Modern Icelandic would give me a clue. The dictionary I found gave me <geim stöd>, and not seeing any relation to the above Old Norse examples, I decided that was a dead end.
One option would be to say "space ship" instead of "space station." If so:
If I want to try for "space station," the best I can come up with would be <rúmver>, so the final translation, right or wrong, would be:
Þat er ekki tungl. Þat er rúmver.
If I have missed anything, please let me know.