JÓÐI HÉT MAÐR, sonr Gormóar. Jóði var maðr lítill, en svá sterkr, at eigi
váru hans
(There) was a man named Jodi, son of Gorm. Jodi was a little man but so
strong that (there) were no equals to him.
jafningjar. En er hann var á unga aldri, lá hann í víkingu ok herjaði. Með
honum var í
And when he was of a young age, he engaged in viking and harrying. With him
in comradeship
félagsskap sá maðr, er kallaðr var Vindú, gofugr maðr ok inn mesti
afreksmaðr at afli ok
was that man who was called Vindu, a noble man and the most heroic man in
power and
áræði. Hann var berserkr. Þeir Jóði áttu einn sjóð báðir, ok var með þeim in
kærsta vinátta.
daring. He was a berserker. They, (he and) Jodi had a common purse, and
between them was the closest friendship.
Jóði átti einn son. Hét hann Dúkú. Dúkú var svartr maðr ok ljótr, líkr feðr
sínum bæði
Jodi had one son. He was called Duku. Duki was a dark -haired man and
ugly, like his father
yfirlits ok at skaplyndi. Gerðist hann umsýslumaðr mikill. Hann var hagr
maðr á tré ok
both in appearance and in disposition. He became a great business man. He
was handy with wood and
járn ok gerðist inn mesti smiðr.
iron and became the greatest smith.
En er Dúkú var á tvítugs aldri, þá bjósk hann í hernað. Fekk Jóði honum
langskip. Til
And when Duku was 20 years old, then he prepared himself for harrying. Jodi
gave him a longship.
þeirar ferðar réðusk synir Vindús - þeir hofðu lið mikit ok annat langskip -
ok fóru um
Vindu's sons joined their journey - - they had a large crew and another
longship-and (they) went
sumarit í víking ok ofluðu sér fjár ok hofðu hlutskipti mikit. Þat var
nokkur sumur, er
harrying during the summer and made money for themselves (C. V., v. afla )
and had very much to share. It was some summer when
þeir lágu í víking, en váru heima um vetrum með feðrum sínum. Hafði Dúkú
heim marga
they were engaged in harrying, when (they) stayed at home during the winter
with their fathers. Duku had at home many
dýrgripi ok forði feðr sínum. Var þá bæði gott til fjár ok mannvirðingar.
Jóði var þá mjok
valuable items and presented (them) to? his father (shouldn't that be
fedri?). Then both were good in terms of money and honour. Jodi was then
á efra aldri, en sonr hans var roskinn.
advanced in years and his son was full-grown.
Falfaðinn hét herkonungr, er kallaðr var Falfaðinn eldingaflug. Hann gerðist
konungr yfir
A warrior king was named Palpatine, who was called Palpatine Lightning
Flash. He became king over
Kóruskantborg í Nóregi, ok hét þessu, at hann myndi verða einvaldskonungr
yfir Nóregi.
Coruscant in Norway, and promised this, that he would become sole king over
Falfaðinn konungr lá með her sinn í Jeðifjorðum. Hann sendi menn þar um land
á fund
King Palpatine lay with his army in Jedi Firth. He sent men there about the
country to meet
þeira manna, er eigi hofðu komit til hans, er hann þóttisk erendi við eiga.
those men, who had not come to him, who he thought himself to have business
Konungs sendimenn kómu til Jóða ok fengu þar góðar viðtokur. Þeir báru upp
erendi sín,
(The) king's messengers came to Jodi and got a good reception. They brought
up their errand,
sogðu, at konungr vildi, at Jóði kæmi á fund hans. "Hann hefir," sogðu þeir,
"spurn af, at
said that (the) king wanted that Jodi come to a meeting with him. "He has,"
they said, " news of (you) that
þú ert gofugr maðr ok stórættaðr. Muntu eiga kost af honum virðingar
mikillar. Er
you are a noble man and of noble lineage. You will have a choice from him
of great worth.
konungi mikit kapp á því at hafa með sér þá menn, at hann spyrr, at
afreksmenn eru at afli ok hreysti."
(The) king is very eager? to have those men with him, that he hears that
are powerful men in influence and valour.
Jóði svarar, sagði, at hann var þá gamall, svá at hann var þá ekki til forr
at vera úti á
Jodi answers, said, that he was then old, so that he was then not capable to
be out at sea on
herskipum. "Mun ek nú heima sitja ok láta af at þjóna konungum."
a warship. "I will now sit at home and give up service to the king."
Sendimenn fóru í brott, en er þeir kómu til konungs, sogðu þeir honum allt
þat, er Jóðí
(The) messengers went away and when they came to the king, they told him all
that which Jodi
hafði rætt fyrir þeim. Konungr varð við styggr ok mælti um nokkurum orðum,
sagði, at
had spoken before them. (The) king became angry at that and spoke some
words about (it), said that
þeir myndi vera menn stórlátir, eða hvat þeir myndi fyrir ætlast.
they would be haughty men or what would they intend.
Maul rauði var þá nær staddr ok bað konung vera eigi reiðan. "Ek mun fara á
fund Jóða,
Maul the red was then nearby and asked the king not to be angry. "I will go
to a meeting with Jodi,
ok mun hann vilja fara á fund yðvarn, þegar er hann veit, at yðr þykkir máli
and he will want to go to your meeting, at once when he knows that (it)
seems to be of importance to you."
Síðan fór Maul á fund Jóða ok sagði honum, at konungr var reiðr ok eigi
myndi duga,
Afterwards Maul went to a meeting with Jodi and told him that (the) king was
angry and nothing would serve
nema annarr hvárr þeira feðga fori til konungs, ok sagði, at þeir myndi fá
virðing mikla
unless another (person) of each of those, father and son, went to the king
and said that they would get great distinction
af konungi, ef þeir vildi hann þýðask, sagði frá mikit, sem satt var, at
konungr var góðr
from the king, if they wished to associate themselves with him, said much
about it, which was true, that (the) king was good
monnum sínum bæði til fjár ok metnaðar.
to his men both in terms of money and esteem.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa