Here's my translation. As in the past, comments in [[double brackets]] were written after I looked at Alan's and Graces translations as well as Brian's notes. I am sure I still missed a number of things, but I find this study engaging.

Í þenna tíma er Ólafur bjó í Hvammi tekur Dala-Kollur mágur hans sótt og andaðist.

In this time when Olaf lived in Hvamm Dala-Koll the Thin takes ill and died. [I don't see an easy way to include "hans" in English here. Also, am I correct that "andaðist" is in the past tense?] [["Magr" (without the accent) is thin, and "mágr" (with the accent) is in-law. That explains the "hans," being "his in-law."]]

Höskuldur son Kolls var á ungum aldri er faðir hans andaðist.

Hoskuld, son of Koll, was at (a) young age when his father died.

Hann var fyrr fullkominn að hyggju en vetratölu.

He was sooner fullgrown in mind than years.

Höskuldur var vænn maður og gervilegur.

Hoskuld was (a) solid man and accomplished. [[He was (a) promising man and accomplished.]]

Hann tók við föðurleifð sinni og búi.

He took against his patrimony and made ready. ["He took his inheritance and prepared himself"??] [["He received his inheritance and farm." I see now that "t. við e-u" = receive.]]

Er sá bær við hann kenndur er Kollur hafði búið á.

When such (a) farm by he [kenndur??? knows???] that Koll had lived at. [[I believe I understand Alan's explanation except for one thing - Is the first word (er) from the verb vera; the relative pronoun who, which, or that; or the conjunction when? Or something else?]]

Hann var kallaður síðan á Höskuldsstöðum.

It was later called Hoskuldsplace.

Brátt varð Höskuldur vinsæll í búi sínu því að margar stoðar runnu undir, bæði frændur og vinir er Kollur faðir hans hafði sér aflað.

Hoskuld was soon was popular among his neighbor [why is this singular?] because many props gave support, both kinsmen and friends that his father Koll had himself accomplished. [What does that mean???] [[Again, I believe I understand most of Alan's translation. However, I rechecked Z., and it lists "búi" as a person (inhabitant) rather than a farm. What am I missing?]]

En Þorgerður Þorsteinsdóttir móðir Höskulds var þá enn ung kona og hin vænsta.

But Hoskuld's mother Thorgerd, Thorsteins daughter, was then a young woman and very pretty.

Hún nam eigi yndi á Íslandi eftir dauða Kolls.

She didn't find rest in Iceland after Koll's death.

Lýsir hún því fyrir Höskuldi syni sínum að hún vill fara utan með fjárhlut þann sem hún hlaut.

She revealed therefor before her son Hoskuld that she will go abroad with the property that she is to have allotted to herself (i.e., is due).

Höskuldur kvaðst það mikið þykja ef þau skulu skilja en kvaðst þó eigi mundu þetta gera að móti henni heldur en annað.

Hoskuld stated that (he) feels hurt a lot if they will separate but said though [I don't make sense of the rest: "not would that do to meet her rather than another"] [[I see from Grace's and Alan's translations that there is the idea of "oppose" here. Now I have it that "í móti" = against or contrary to.]]

Síðan kaupir Höskuldur skip hálft til handa móður sinni er uppi stóð í Dögurðarnesi.

Later Hoskuld buys half a ship for his mother [there is some kind of connection I am missing] lies ashore (was situated) in Dogurdnes. [[The connection I was missing was the word "which."]]

Réðst Þorgerður þar til skips með miklum fjárhlutum.

Thorgerd turned out there to (the) ship with much patrimony (inheritance).

En eftir það siglir Þorgerður á haf og verður skip það vel reiðfara og kemur við Noreg.

Bet after that Thorgerd sails to sea and has a good ship voyage and comes to Norway.

Þorgerður átti í Noregi mikið ætterni og marga göfga frændur

Thorgerd had in Norway many relatives and many noble kinsmen.

Þeir fögnuðu henni vel og buðu henni alla kosti þá sem hún vildi með þeim þiggja

They welcomed her well and invited her (at) every opportunity then as she would accept.

Hún Þorgerður tók því vel, segir að það er hennar ætlan að staðfestast þar í landi.

She (Thorgerd) took this well, says that that is her thought to take up her abode there in (the) land.

Þorgerður var eigi lengi ekkja áður maður varð til að biðja hennar

Thorgerd was not long (a) widow before it came to pass (that) a man asked for her in marriage.

Sá er nefndur Herjólfur

The person is named Herjolf.

Hann var lendur maður að virðingu, auðigur og mikils virður

He was a landed-man of honor, wealthy and much esteemed.

Herjólfur var mikill maður og sterkur.

Herjolf was (a) tall man and strong.

Ekki var hann fríður maður sýnum og þó hinn skörulegsti í yfirbragði

He wasn't a handsome man in appearance and though the most manliness in demeanor.

Allra manna var hann best vígur.

Of all men he was best in-fighting-condition.

Og er að þessum málum var setið átti Þorgerður svör að veita er hún var ekkja.

And when this matter was settled had Thorgerd replied to grant that she was a widown. [[Brian's explanation clears this up.]]

Og með frænda sinna ráði veikst hún eigi undan þessum ráðahag og giftist Þorgerður Herjólfi og fer heim til bús með honum

And with her kinsmen counsel didn't stir her from under (away from) this marriage and Thorgerd was married to Herjol and goes home to live with him. [[Apparently she goes to his farm....]]

Takast með þeim góðar ástir

They take with them good affection-between-a-man-and-a-wife.

Sýnir Þorgerður það brátt af sér að hún er hinn mesti skörungur.

[It's talking about Thoregard, an appearance or view, the idea of "soon" and "she was the most noble"; however, I am not putting all the pieces together correctly.] [[I see that "sýnir" must be a verb rather than a noun.]]

Þykir ráðahagur hans nú miklu betri en áður og virðulegri er hann hefir fengið slíkrar konu sem Þorgerður var.

His marriage is now regarded much better than before and splended that he has won such (a) woman as Thorgerd was.


Upphaf Hrúts Herjólfssonar

(The) Beginning of Herjolf's son Hrut

Þau Herjólfur og Þorgerður höfðu eigi lengi ásamt verið áður þeim varð sonar auðið.

(They) Herjolf and Thorgerd didn't have (i.e., weren't) long together before a son fell to their lot (more colloquially, "came upon the scene").

Sá sveinn var vatni ausinn og nafn gefið og var kallaður Hrútur

Said son was sprinkled (with) water and given (a) name and was called Hrut. (More colloquially, "was baptized and named....") [[Brian's note about this being a pre-Christian ritual is very helpful here, so my colloquial version isn't going to work.]]

Hann var snemmendis mikill og sterkur er hann óx upp

He was soon tall and strong when he grew up.

Var hann og hverjum manni betur í vexti, hár og herðibreiður, miðmjór og limaður vel með höndum og fótum

He was also (to) every man better in size, tall and broad-shouldered, slender-in-the-waist and having-shapely-limbs with hands and feet.

Hrútur var allra manna fríðastur sýnum eftir því sem verið höfðu þeir Þorsteinn móðurfaðir hans eða Ketill flatnefur

Hrut was (among) all men (the) fairest of face (Z. sýn 3) as had been Thorstein's parents or Ketill Flatnose. [[...Thorstein's maternal grandfather...]]

Hinn mesti var hann atgervimaður fyrir allra hluta sakir.

He was the most a-man-of-great-physical-accomplishements before [???]. [[...accomplishments in all respects.]]

Herjólfur tók sótt og andaðist.

Herjolf took ill and died.

Það þótti mönnum mikill skaði.

Men thought that a great loss.

Eftir það fýstist Þorgerður til Íslands og vildi vitja Höskulds sonar síns því að hún unni honum um alla menn fram en Hrútur var eftir með frændum sínum vel settur.

After that Thoregerd felt desirous of Island and wanted to visit her son Hoskuld she loved him [of all men ???] but Hrut was with his well situated kinsmen. [[...Hrut was well left behind with his kinsmen.]]