I accidently included a paragraph that we had already translated. Please

Elli sótti þá fast að Unni svo að hún reis ekki upp fyrir miðjan dag en hún
lagðist snemma
Old age advanced rapidly for Unn so that she did not get up before mid-day
and she laid herself down early (in the evening).

niður. Engum manni leyfði hún að sækja ráð að sér þess á milli er hún fór að
sofa á

She allowed no man to ask her advice (at) this (time) between when she went
to sleep in

kveldið og hins er hún var klædd. Reiðulega svarar hún ef nokkur spurði að
mætti hennar.

the evening and then when she was dressed. She answers angrily if someone
asked how she was.

Þann dag svaf Unnur í lengra lagi en þó var hún á fótum er boðsmenn komu og
gekk á

That day, Unn slept longer than usual (Z 9) but still she was on (her) feet
when guests came and went to

mót þeim og fagnaði frændum sínum og vinum með sæmd, kvað þá ástsamlega gert

a meeting with them and welcomed her kinsmen and friends with honour, told
them to have done affectionately (by her)

er þeir höfðu sótt þangað langan veg, "nefni eg til þess Björn og Helga og
öllum vil eg

since they had come a long way hither, "I name in this (regard) Bjorn and
Helgi and I want to

yður þakka er hér eruð komnir."

thank you all who have come here."

Síðan gekk Unnur inn í skála og sveit mikil með henni. Og er skálinn var

Afterwards Unn went in into the hall and a very great crowd with her. And
when the hall was all prepared

fannst mönnum mikið um hversu veisla sú var sköruleg.

it pleased people much concerning how magnificent that feast was.

Þá mælti Unnur: "Björn kveð eg að þessu bróður minn og Helga og aðra frændur
vora og

Then Unn spoke, "Bjorn, I declare to this, my brother, and Helgi and others
of our kinsmen and

vini: Bólstað þenna með slíkum búnaði sem nú megið þér sjá sel eg í hendur
Ólafi frænda

friends: I turn over this, Bolstead, with such household equipment as you
may see into the hands of Olaf, my kinsman

mínum til eignar og forráða."

for (his) ownership and management."

Eftir það stóð Unnur upp og kvaðst ganga mundu til þeirrar skemmu sem hún
var vön að

After that Unn stood up and said she would go to their ladies' bower as she
was accustomed to

sofa í, bað að það skyldi hver hafa að skemmtan sem þá væri næst skapi en
mungát skyldi

sleep in, bade it that each should have for amusement as were most pleasing
and ale should

skemmta alþýðunni. Svo segja menn að Unnur hafi bæði verið há og þrekleg.
Hún gekk

amuse people in general. So say men that Unn had both been tall and strong.
She went

hart utar eftir skálanum. Fundust mönnum orð um að konan var enn virðuleg.

strongly out back from the hall. People said with pleasure that (the) woman
was still


menn um kveldið þangað til að mönnum þótti mál að sofa.

People drank during the evening until that time that people thought (it)
time to sleep.

En um daginn eftir gekk Ólafur feilan til svefnstofu Unnar frændkonu sinnar.
Og er hann

And during the next day, Olaf feilan went to Unn's, his kinswoman's,
sleeping room. And when he

kom í stofuna sat Unnur upp við hægindin. Hún var þá önduð. Gekk Ólafur
eftir það í

came into the room, Unn sat up (propped up?) with a pillow. She was then
dead. Olaf went after that into

skálann og sagði tíðindi þessi. Þótti mönnum mikils um vert hversu Unnur
hafði haldið

the hall and told these tidings. It seemed to people very much of worth how
Unn had held

virðingu sinni til dauðadags. Var nú drukkið allt saman, brullaup Ólafs og
erfi Unnar. Og

onto her splendidness until the day of her death. Now Olaf's wedding and
Unn's funeral feast was (were) celebrated all together.

hinn síðasta dag boðsins var Unnur flutt til haugs þess er henni var búinn.
Hún var lögð í

And on the last day of the feast Unn was born to this mound which was
prepared for her. She was laid

skip í hauginum og mikið fé var í haug lagt með henni. Var eftir það aftur

in a ship in the mound and much wealth was laid in the mound with her.
After that the


mound was cast up.

Ólafur feilan tók þá við búi í Hvammi og allri fjárvarðveislu að ráði þeirra
frænda sinna

Olaf feilan received then the farm in Hvamm and all administration with the
consent of those of his kinsmen

er hann höfðu heim sótt. En er veisluna þrýtur gefur Ólafur stórmannlegar
gjafir þeim

who had visited him at home. And when the feast ended, Olaf gives very
impressive gifts to those

mönnum er þar voru mest verðir áður á brott fóru.

people who were most worthy there before (they) went away.

Ólafur gerðist ríkur maður og höfðingi mikill. Hann bjó í Hvammi til elli.
Börn þeirra

Olaf became a wealthy man and great chieftain. He lived in Hvamm until old
age. Their,

Ólafs og Álfdísar voru Þórður gellir er átti Hróðnýju dóttur
Miðfjarðar-Skeggja. Þeirra

Olaf's and Alfdisi's, children were Thord gellir (yelling?) who was married
to Hrodny, daughter of Mid-Firth-Skeggi. Their sons

synir voru Eyjólfur grái, Þórarinn fylsenni, Þorkell kuggi. Dóttir Ólafs
feilans var Þóra er

were Eyjolf the grey, Thorarinn fylsenni, Thorkell kuggi. Olaf feilan's
daughter was Thora who

átti Þorsteinn þorskabítur son Þórólfs Mostrarskeggs. Þeirra synir voru
Börkur hinn digri

was married to Thorstein codfish biter, son of Thorolf Mostr skeggi. Their
sons were Bork the large

og Þorgrímur faðir Snorra goða. Helga hét önnur dóttir Ólafs. Hana átti

and Thorgrim, father of chieftain Snorri. Helga was the name of another of
Olaf's daughters. She was married to Gunnar

Hlífarson. Þeirra dóttir var Jófríður er átti Þóroddur son Tungu-Odds en
síðan Þorsteinn

Hlif's son. Their daughter was Jofrid who was married to Thorod, son of
Tongue-Odd and later to Thorstein

Egilsson. Þórunn hét enn dóttir hans. Hana átti Hersteinn son Þorkels

Egil's son. Thorunn was the name of yet (another) daughter of his. She
married Herstein, son of Thorkel Blund-Ketil's son.

Þórdís hét hin þriðja dóttir Ólafs. Hana átti Þórarinn Ragabróðir

Thordis was the name of the third daughter of Olaf's. She was married to

Ragi's brother a lawspeaker.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa