I made two passes through this, first doing my translation and putting notes in single brackets. Then I did a comparison with Alan's translation and put additional notes in double brackets.
Thanks to Brian for his notes concerning my last exercise!
As mentioned last time, there is much more that I could do, but there comes a point when I just have to stop work on it....
Enn af Unni
Still concerning Unn (or more colloquially "Unn, continued")
Eftir það gefur Unnur fleirum mönnum af landnámi sínu.
After that Unn gives (gifts) of her (land) settlements to several men.
Herði gaf hún Hörðadal allan út til Skrámuhlaupsár.
To Herd she gave Hordadal all (the way) out until Skramuhlaupsar. [["Hord," "Hordadale," and "Scar-Leap's River"]]
Hann bjó á Hörðabólstað og var mikill merkismaður og kynsæll.
He lived at Hordaboltown and was a very distinguished man and blessed-with-good-and-great-offspring. [["Hord's Farm"]]
Hans son var Ásbjörn auðgi er bjó í Örnólfsdal á Ásbjarnarstöðum.
His son was Abjorn (the) Wealthy who lived in Ornolfsdale in Asbjarnarstown. [["Asbjorn's Steads"]]
Hann átti Þorbjörgu dóttur Miðfjarðar-Skeggja.
He married Thorjorg, daughter of Midfiardar-Skeggia.
Þeirra dóttir var Ingibjörg er átti Illugi hinn svarti.
Their daughter was Ingibjorg, who married Illug the Black. [[OK, so "Illugi" must be a weak noun, so the nominative case ends in -i. Also, I see that if I had looked up the chart for "hinn," it would have told me that was in the nominitave case. And, so it's "...whom Illugi the Black married."]]
Þeirra synir voru þeir Hermundur og Gunnlaugur ormstunga.
Their sons were Hermund and Gunnlaug Sperpent's-tongue.
Það er kallað Gilsbekkingakyn.
That one is called Gilsbekkingakyn. [["Line" as in "family line" is implied. "Gully Beck Folk Kin" for the name]]
Unnur mælti við sína menn: "Nú skuluð þér taka ömbun verka yðvarra.
Unn spoke with her men: "Now you should take your work's wages." [[I read from Brian's note that "spoke to" is preferred]]
Skortir oss nú og eigi föng til að gjalda yður starf yðvart og góðvilja.
Also, it's not lacking us now the means to pay-for your work and good-will.
En yður er það kunnigt að eg hefi frelsi gefið þeim manni er Erpur heitir, syni Melduns jarls.
And (on the other hand) to you it is known that I have given them freedom, to a man called Erp, son of Earl Meldun. [not sure how to resolve the plural "them" and the singular "man"] [[Is it possible the "them" refers to all the people she gave freedom to, and she picks Erp as the first example???]]
Fór það fjarri um svo stórættaðan mann að eg vildi að hann bæri þræls nafn."
If is far from suited concerning such a highboard man that I wanted that he bear a thrall's (slave's) name. [["It was more than I wanted to see...."]]
Síðan gaf Unnur honum Sauðafellslönd á millum Tunguár og Miðár.
Afterwards Unn gave him Saudafellsland between Tunguar and Midar. [["Sheep's Fells Lands," "Tongue River," "Middle River"]]
Hans börn voru þau Ormur og Ásgeir, Gunnbjörn og Halldís er átti Dala-Álfur.
His children were Orm and Asgeir, Gunnbjorn and Halldis, who married Dala-Alf. [["whom Alf of the Dales married"]]
Sökkólfi gaf hún Sökkólfsdal og bjó hann þar til elli.
To Sokkolf she gave Sokkolfsdale and he lived there until (his) old age.
Hundi hét lausingi hennar.
Hund was the name of her freedman.
Hann var skoskur að ætt.
He was Scottish by (way of) family. (His family was Scottish.)
Honum gaf hún Hundadal.
To him she gave Hundadale.
Vífill hét þræll Unnar hinn fjórði.
Vifill was the name (of) the fourth thrall (slave) of Unn.
Hún gaf honum Vífilsdal.
She gave him Vifilsdale.
Ósk hét hin fjórða dóttir Þorsteins rauðs.
Osk was the name of the fourth daughter of Thorstein the Red.
Hún var móðir Þorsteins surts hins spaka er fann sumarauka.
She was Thorstein Black the Wise' mother who found [founded?] Summerauka. [???] [["...invented the leap week."]]
Þórhildur hét hin fimmta dóttir Þorsteins.
Thorhild was the fifth daughter of Thorstein.
Hún var móðir Álfs í Dölum.
She was Alf of Dole's mother. [["...Alf in the Dale's mother."]]
Telur margt manna kyn sitt til hans.
Many men's kin is reckoned to (descended from) him. [Somehow I don't think that's right....] [[this should be more "traced to" than "descended from" it looks like]]
Hans dóttir var Þorgerður, kona Ara Mássonar á Reykjanesi, Atlasonar, Úlfssonar hins skjálga, og Bjargar Eyvindardóttur, systur Helga hins magra.
His daughter was Thorgerd, wife of Ara Masson of Reykjanes, Atlas' son, Ulf the Squinter's son, and Eyvind's daughter Bjarg, sister of Helga the Learn.
Þaðan eru komnir Reyknesingar.
From there are come (descended?) (the) Reyknesings.
Vigdís hét hin sétta dóttir Þorsteins rauðs.
Vigdis was the name of the seventh daughter of Thorstein the Red.
Þaðan eru komnir Höfðamenn í Eyjafirði.
From there are come (descended) Hofdamen of Eyjafirdi.
Andlát Unnar
Unn's Death
Ólafur feilan var yngstur barna Þorsteins.
Olof (I hope that's the masculine form of the name) the Timid was (the) youngest of Thorstein's children. [[I know Brian had made a note about this in a previous translation, but I still got it reversed: "Olaf" is the masculine version]]
Hann var mikill maður og sterkur, fríður sýnum og atgervimaður hinn mesti.
He was a large man and strong, evident peace [I know this isn't right] and the greatest man-of-great-physical-accomplishments. [["... strong, handsome in appearance, and the...."]]
Hann mat Unnur umfram alla menn og lýsti því fyrir mönnum að hún ætlaði Ólafi allar eignir eftir sinn dag í Hvammi.
Unn esteemed him above all men and made it known, therefore, before men that she intended to have (inherit) everything after her death in Hvamm. [["...intended Olaf to have...."]]
Unnur gerðist þá mjög ellimóð.
Unn then became very weary-with-old-age.
Hún kallar til sín Ólaf feilan og mælti: "Það hefir mér komið í hug frændi að þú munir staðfesta ráð þitt og kvænast."
She calls to her Olof the Timid and said: "It has occured to me, kinsman, that you would settle down and get married. [["Olaf." Also, I cheated and used one of the modern Icelandic translations for "staðfesta ráð sitt" (settle down) rather than the Z. "establish oneself" as "settle down and get married" is a common phrase in English and seems to fit the context.]]
Ólafur tók því vel og kveðst hennar forsjá hlíta mundu um það mál.
Olof took this well and said (he) would rely on her foresight concerning that time. [["Olaf." Also, I see that the verb is in the reflexive form, which I haven't conveyed]]
Unnur mælti: "Svo hefi eg helst ætlað að boð þitt muni vera að áliðnu sumri þessu því að þá er auðveldast að afla allra tilfanga því að það er nær minni ætlan að vinir vorir muni þá mjög fjölmenna hingað því að eg ætla þessa veislu síðast að búa."
Unn answered: "So have I preferably intended that your wedding would be in late summer because that is easiest to procure all (the) provisions so that it is near a smaller wish that your friends would then (be) very much in attendance here so that I wish this (to be the) last banquet to prepare. [Obviously I don't have it, but it's partly Unn's fault for speaking in such a long sentence.] [[I am not going to repeat Alan's translation here, but obviously it makes a lot more sense.]]
Ólafur svarar: "Þetta er vel mælt.
Olof answers: "This is well spoken."
En þeirrar einnar konu ætla eg að fá að sú ræni þig hvorki fé né ráðum."
But such a wife I intend to get neither (should) rob you (of) wealth nor authority. [["...(should) neither" would be just a tad less awkward]]
Það sama haust fékk Ólafur feilan Álfdísar.
That same autumn Olof the Timid got (i.e., married) Alfdise.
Þeirra boð var í Hvammi.
Their wedding was in Hvamm.
Unnur hafði mikinn fékostnað fyrir veislunni því að hún lét víða bjóða tignum mönnum úr öðrum sveitum.
Unn had great [fékostnað??? expenses?] for the banquet because she sent far and wide invitations to noble men from other districts.
Hún bauð Birni bróður sínum og Helga bróður sínum bjólan.
She invited her brother Birn and her brother Helgi Bjolan.
Komu þeir fjölmennir.
They came with many people.
Þar kom Dala-Kollur mágur hennar og Hörður úr Hörðadal og margt annað stórmenni.
Dala-Koll the Thin came there [how does "hennar" fit here?] and Hord of Hordadal and many other important men. [[OK, I get it. "Magr" (without the accent) is "lean" or "thin," while mágr (with the accent) is "in-law." Thus, it's more like "Dala-Koll, her in-law, came there...."]]
Boðið var allfjölmennt og kom þó hvergi nær svo margt manna sem Unnur hafði boðið fyrir því að Eyfirðingar áttu farveg langan.
The wedding was attended-by-a-great-number-of-people and yet nowhere near so many (a) man as Unn had invited because (the) Eyfirdings had a long trip. [[I am reminded that it's probably better to say "banquet" than "wedding"]]