At 3:27:37 PM on Friday, February 19, 2010, llama_nom wrote:

> --- In, "Brian M. Scott"
> <BMScott@...> wrote:

>> Hann mat Unnur umfram alla menn og lýsti því fyrir mönnum
>> að hún ætlaði Ólafi allar eignir eftir sinn dag í Hvammi.

>> Here I think that <því> is simply 'therefore' (Z(1)).

> I read it as the dative head of the clausal complement of
> <lýsti>, see CV II, gamma [
> ], answering the question "what did she announce?" <því
> [...] at hún ætlaði [...]> "(this) that she intended".

You may well be right. I thought of that, but for some
reason I didn't like it this time. (I still sometimes
forget that ON clauses often have what looks from an English
point of view like an extra head.)
