Below is my exercise for this week. At my stage of ability, this isn't something I would call finished, more like "abandoned at a certain point in time."

I put single brackets around comments I made after doing my translation. Then I read Alan's notes and put additional comments in double brackets.

Last time Brian made a collection of notes, and I see the usefulness in having all these in one place.



Unnur hafði og með sér marga þá menn er mikils voru verðir og stórættaðir.

Unn also then had with her many men who were worthy and high-born.

Maður er nefndur Kollur er einna var mest verður af föruneyti Unnar.

A man who is-named Koll who was one [of the?] most worth of Unn's entourage.

Kom mest til þess ætt hans.

Thus most came to his lineage. [Obviously doesn't mean that. I must be missing something here.]

Hann var hersir að nafni.

He was a chieftan of namesake. [Again, not sure what I am missing.]

Sá maður var og í ferð með Unni er Hörður hét.

That man who traveled with Unn was named Hord.

Hann var enn stórættaður maður og mikils verður.

He was a highborn man and very worthy.

Unnur heldur skipinu í Orkneyjar þegar er hún var búin.

Unn sailed forthwith the ship to (the) Orkney Islands when she was ready.

Þar dvaldist hún litla hríð.

She stayed there a little while.

Þar gifti hún Gró dóttur Þorsteins rauðs.

There she gave-in-marriage Gro, Thorstein the Red's daughter.

Hún var móðir Grélaðar er Þorfinnur jarl átti, son Torf-Einars jarls, sonar Rögnvalds Mærajarls.

She was the mother of Grelader whom Thorfin the earl married, son of earl Torf-Einar, son of Rgnvald Maerajarl.

Þeirra son var Hlöðvir faðir Sigurðar jarls, föður Þorfinns jarls, og er þaðan komið kyn allra Orkneyingajarla.

Their son was Hlodvir, father of earl Sigurd, father of earl Thorgin, and from whom came all the Orkney earls.

Eftir það hélt Unnur skipi sínu til Færeyja og átti þar enn nokkura dvöl.

After that Unn sailed her ship to (the) Faroe Islands and had a somewhat short stay there.

Þar gifti hún aðra dóttur Þorsteins.

There she gave in marriage (the) other daughter of Thorstein.

Sú hét Ólöf.

That one was named Olaf.

Þaðan er komin sú ætt er ágæst er í því landi er þeir kalla Götuskeggja.

From there comes the lineage [???] therefore land that they call Gotuskeg.

kafli - Af Unni

Kafli - Concerning Unn

Nú býst Unnur í brott úr Færeyjum og lýsir því fyrir skip verjum sínum að hún ætlar til Íslands.

Now Unn got ready for a journey abroad out of the Faroe islands and therefore makes it known before her ship's crew that she intends (to go) to Iceland.

Hún hefir með sér Ólaf feilan son Þorsteins rauðs og systur hans þær er ógiftar voru.
She has with her Olaf Feilan, son of Thorstein the Red and his sister, who were unmarried. [[Apparently it's "systers who were unmarried."]]

Eftir það lætur hún í haf og verður vel reiðfara og kemur skip i sínu fyrir sunnan land á Vikrarskeið.

After that she puts to sea and has a good voyage and sails her ship in the south coast at Vikrarskeid.

Þar brjóta þau skipið í spón.

There the ship was broken in pieces.

Menn allir héldust og svo fé.

However, all were preserved as was wealth. [I know this is supposed to mean "All were saved including their possessions" or something similar, but I am not sure how to get there from the above sentence.]

Síðan fór hún á fund Helga bróður síns með tuttugu menn.

Tben she went to a meeting (with) Helgi her brother with 20 men.

Og er hún kom þar gekk hann á mót henni og bauð henni til sín við tíunda mann.

And when she came there he went to a meeting (with) her and invited her in with 10 of her own men. [I know this is supposed to mean "ten" men, but the dictionary definition looks more like "one tenth."]

Hún svarar reiðulega og kvaðst eigi vitað hafa að hann væri slíkt lítilmenni og fer í brott.

She answers angrily and says she didn't know [how does "hafa" fit in here?] that he was so small a person and [she] went abroad. ["í brott" is supposed to mean "abroad," I thought, but if I understand correctly she isn't even traveling by sea.] [[OK, I see that "í brott" can simply mean "away"]]

Ætlar hún nú að sækja heim Björn bróður sinn í Breiðafjörð.

She thinks now to look for her brother Bjorn's home in Breidafjord.

Og er hann spyr til ferða hennar þá fer hann í mót henni með fjölmenni og fagnar henni vel og bauð henni til sín með öllu liði sínu því að hann kunni veglyndi systur sinnar.

And when he finds out about her trip, he leaves for a meeting (with) her with a big crowd and welcomes her well and invites her with all her party so that he could [for the rest I have the following that isn't right "generosity his sister"] [[I see now "he knew his sister's generosity."]]

Það líkaði henni allvel og þakkaði honum stórmennsku sína.

That pleased her very well and her important men thanked him. [["she thanked him (for) his generosity"]]

Hún var þar um veturinn og var veitt hið stórmannlegasta því að efni voru nóg en fé eigi s arað.

She was there through the winter and was treated munificently (like a great man) so that means were enough and wealth not spared.

Og um vorið fór hún yfir Breiðafjörð og kom að nesi nokkuru og átu þar dagverð.

And in spring she goes over (to) Breidafjord and comes to some headland and ate there a day-meal.

Þar er síðan kallað Dögurðarnes og gengur þar af Meðalfellsströnd.

That place is later called Dogurdnes and goes there from Medealfellstream.

Síðan hélt hún skipi sínu inn eftir Hvammsfirði og kom þar að nesi einu og átti þar dvöl nokkura.

Next she sailed her ship in beyond Hvammsfjord and came there to a headland and had there a somewhat short stay. [["sailed ship in along"]]

Þar tapaði Unnur kambi sínum.

There Unn lost her comb.

Þar heitir síðan Kambsnes.

Then the place is called "Comb-nes." [["Combs-nes"]]

Eftir það fór hún um alla Breiðafjarðardali og nam sér lönd svo víða sem hún vildi.

After that she goes over all Breidford and takes for herself land so far and wide as she wanted.

Síðan hélt Unnur skipi sínu í fjarðarbotninn.

Next Unn sailed here ship in Fjardarbotninn.

Voru þar reknar á land öndvegissúlur hennar.

At that place her high-seat-pillars washed up on shore.

Þótti henni þá auðvitað hvar hún skyldi bústað taka.

She thought that pointed out where she should choose a dwelling.

Hún lætur bæ reisa þar er síðan heitir í Hvammi og bjó þar.

She let (had) a village raised at the place where later is called Havammi and (she) lived there.

Það sama vor er Unnur setti bú saman í Hvammi fékk Kollur Þorgerðar dóttur Þorsteins rauðs.

That same spring when Unn gradually set up housekeeping in Hvammi, (she) handed over Thorstein the Red's daughter Koll. [[I see that I missed the expression "setja saman"]]

Það boð kostaði Unnur.

Unn paid for that wedding banquet.

Lætur hún Þorgerði heiman fylgja Laxárdal allan og setti hann þar bú saman fyrir sunnan Laxá.

She lets Thorgerd Heiman accompany Laxardal and he sets up there housekeeping by degrees next to southern Laxa. [[Also missed that "setja saman" is an expression]]

Var Kollur hinn mesti tilkvæmdarmaður.

Koll was the most person of consequence.

Þeirra son var Höskuldur.

Their son was Hoskuld.