[norse_course] Laxdaela Saga 3 + 4 beginning / Alan's Translation

Here´s my translation.

For Rob: I noticed that in you previous translation, there were a number of instances where a vowel change in the past tense of a strong verb from its infinitive form )ie the form that is in the dictionary) seems to have thrown you (eg hóf - past tense of hefja; nam - past tense of nema). Whenever these happen in a text I try to make a note of it in my translation, so until you become familiar with the vowel changes, my translation notes may help you with these. Also if you have a copy of the Zoega dictionary, there is an index of these irregular forms, beginning on page 545. If you can´t find a word in the dictionary immediately, check the list of irregular forms because often you will find it there. Good to have you with us.

