At 9:17:47 AM on Tuesday, January 12, 2010, Fred and Grace
Hatton wrote:

> Those cross-trees were in the hall at Hof that had been in
> the temple when Ólafr Jónsson had it broken up/torn down.

>> Lét hann þá öll kljúfa í sundur og voru þá enn alldigur.

> So the crosstrees were still in good enough condition - -
> alldigur - - to be reused?

I'm not entirely sure what's going on here. It would make a
lot more sense if the time sequence were reversed: <Jón> is
a Christian name, and an Ólafr Jónsson ought to be later
than Þorgrímr. In fact, the more I think about it, the more
I think that the tenses are misleading, that the skáli in
question is actually the hof, or its main chamber, and that
the sense is something like this:

The cross-beams in the the hall at Hof were still in the
temple when Ólafr Jónsson had it torn down; then he had
them all split apart, and they were still very large.
