--- In norse_course@ yahoogroups. com, "llama_nom" <600cell@... > wrote:
> > e-t einhvert.
> That should be <eitthvert> "something" (neuter nominative, accusative).
I should say, rather, <eitthvat> "something" (something), and <eitthvert> "some, one" (when used as an adjective).
Þat var eitthvert sumar, er Þorsteinn reið til alþingis...
"It happened one summer, when Þorsteinn rode to the Althingi..."
ok muni hann hafa eitthvat illt í sinni
"and he must have something bad in mind"
Hann mælir at eitthvat muni undir þessu blíðlæti búa
"He says that there must be something behind this display of affection"