Here’s my translation. One or two bits stumped me - would appreciate any help on underlined text.
Guðmundur hinn ríki mælti: "Það vil eg bjóða að handsala fyrir víg þau er
Guðmund the Mighty spoke: I want to offer that, to make-over (by handshake) for those slayings which
hér hafa orðið á þinginu að mínum hluta (hluti) til þess að ekki falli niður brennumálið."
here have happened at the Thing for my part (in exchange) for that, that the burning-action not fall down (be dismissed).’
Slíkt hið sama mæltu þeir Gissur hvíti og Hjalti Skeggjason, Ásgrímur
Such (Exactly) the same spoke they, Gizur (the) White and Hjalti Skeggi’s-son, Ásgrím
Elliða-Grímsson og Mörður Valgarðsson. Við þetta gekk (ganga) saman sættin.
Elliða-Grím’s-son and Mörð Valgarð’s-son. With this (As a result) the agreements were-brought-about (see ganga saman, Z15)
Var þá handsalað í tólf manna dóm og var Snorri goði fyrir gerðinni og aðrir
(It) was then made-over (by hand-shake) into a twelve-man judgement and Snorri (the) priest-chieftain was for (ie in charge of or to make) the arbitration and other
góðir menn með honum. Var þá jafnað saman vígum en bættir þeir menn sem
good men with him. (It) was then set-off-one-against-the-other in (the) slayings but compensated-for (were) those men who
umfram voru. Þeir gerðu og um brennumálin. Skyldi Njál bæta (boeta) þrennum
were beyond (ie left-over after the offsetting). They arbitrated also concerning the burning-action. (One) should compensate Njál with three
manngjöldum en Bergþóru tvennum. Víg Skarphéðins skyldi jafnt og víg
weregilds but (and) Bergþóra with two. Skarphéðin´s manslaughter and (the) manslaughter of
Höskulds Hvítanesgoða. Tvennum manngjöldum skyldi bæta hvorn þeirra Gríms og
Höskuld Hvítanesgoði (White-Ness-Chieftain-Priest) should (be) equal. (One) should compensate with two weregild each of those, Grím and
Helga. Þá skyldu ein manngjöld koma fyrir hvern hinna er inni höfðu brunnið (brenna, intrans.).
Helgi. Then should one weregild come (be paid) for each other (person) who had burned inside.
Á vígið Þórðar Kárasonar var ekki sæst (sjást?). Flosi var og ger utan og allir
Nothing was (seen-to, decided?) on the manslaughter of Þórð Kári’s-son. Flosi was also made (adjudged) ‘outside’ (ie banished, see var görr útan, Z13) and all
brennumenn og skyldu eigi fara samsumars nema þeir vildu. En ef þeir færu
incendiarists and (they) should not travel in-the-same-summer unless they wanted (to). But if they travelled
eigi utan um það er þrír vetur væru liðnir þá skyldi hann og allir
not abroad during that (period) when three winters were passed, then he should - and all
brennumenn vera sekir skógarmenn. Og var svo mælt að lýsa skyldi sekt þeirra
(the) incendiarists - be condemned outlaws (forest-men). And (it) was so stipulated that (one) should give-notice-of their guilt
á haustþingi eða vorþingi hvort sem heldur vildi. Flosi skyldi vera þó utan
at (the) Autumn-Thing or Spring-Thing, whichever (one) wanted more (ie whatever was preferred). Flosi should nevertheless be abroad
þrjá vetur. Gunnar Lambason og Grani Gunnarsson, Glúmur Hildisson, Kolur
three winters. Gunnar Lambi’s-son and Grani Gunnar’s-son, Glúm Hildi’s-son, Kol
Þorsteinsson, þeir skyldu aldrei útkvæmt eiga. Þá var Flosi spurður ef hann
Þorstein’s-son, they should never be-allowed return (to Iceland). Then Flosi was asked if he
vildi láta dæma fyrir sár sitt en hann kveðst ekki vilja taka fémútur á sér.
wanted to cause to-give-judgement for his wound but he declared-of-himself not to want to take ‘bribes’ for himself
Eyjólfur Bölverksson var lagður ógildur fyrir ójöfnuð (újafnaðr) sinn og rangindi.
Eyjólf Bölverk’s-son was placed (left) unatoned for (due to) his unfairness and unfair-dealings.
Var þessi sætt nú handsöluð og efndist öll.
This agreement was now confirmed (by handshake) and (it) all (fully) turned-out (this way) (see efnast, refl Z1)
Þeir Ásgrímur gáfu Snorra goða góðar gjafar. Hafði hann virðing mikla af málum þessum.
They, Ásgrím (and co) gave Snorri Chieftain-Priest good gifts. He had great honour from these cases.
Skafta var engu bættur áverkinn.
The bodily-injury to Skapti was compensated in no (way?)