Njall 145 part 3 / Alan's Translation

From: AThompson
Message: 10527
Date: 2009-08-14

Njall 145 part 3 / Alan's Translation

Heres my translation.

Hann hjó þá til Kára og stefndi á fótinn. Kári kippir fætinum og snerist
He hewed then at K
ári and aimed at the leg (foot). Kári draws quickly (away) with the leg and turns-himself

undan á hæli og missti Bjarni hans. Kári hjó þegar til hans. Þá hljóp maður
away to safety and Bjarni missed him. Kári hewed at-once at him.
Then a person (man) ran

fram og skaut skildi fyrir Bjarna. Kári klauf ofan allan skjöldinn og nam
forward and thrust a shield in-front-of Bjarni. Kári cleaved down all the shield and

blóðrefillinn lærið og reist (rísta) ofan allan fótinn. Sá maður féll þegar og varð
the point-of-the-sword touched (caught) the-thigh and cut-open (see rísta, Z2) down all the leg. That person (man) fell at-once and became

aldrei örkumlalaus meðan hann lifði. Kári þreif þá tveim höndum spjótið og
never unmaimed while he lived (he was ever after a cripple so long as he lived, see under örkumlalauss, Z). Kári grasped then with two hands the spear and

snerist að Bjarna og lagði til hans. Hann sá engan sinn kost annan en hann
turned on Bjarni and thrust towards him. He saw no other option for him than (that) he

lét fallast þvers undan laginu. En þegar er Bjarni kemst á fætur hrökk hann
cause to drop-himself-down away from the thrust (see lag, Z7). But as soon as Barni managed-to-come to (his) feet he retreated (drew back)

undan. Þorgeir skorargeir sótti þá að þar er fyrir var Hólmsteinn
Þorgeir ‘Chafe-spear’ attacked (see soekja, Z4) then there where before (him) was Hólmstein

Spak-Bersason og Þorkell Geitisson. Lauk svo með þeim að þeir Hólmsteinn
Spak-Bersi’s-son and Þorkel Geiti’s-son. (It) came-to-an-end so between them that they, Hólmstein (and co)

hrukku undan. Varð þá óp mikið að þeim af mönnum Guðmundar ríka.
retreated (drew back). Occurred then a great shouting against them (a heap of abuse) from (the) men of Guðmund (the) Mighty.

Þorvarður Tjörvason frá Ljósavatni fékk sár mikið. Hann var skotinn í
Þorvarð Tjörvi’s-son from Ljósvatn (Light-Water) received a great wound. He was shot in

handlegg og ætluðu menn að skotið hefði Halldór son Guðmundar hins ríka og
(the) arm and persons (men) thought that Halldór, son of Guðmund the Mighty had shot (him) and

hafði hann þetta sár bótalaust alla ævi síðan.
he had this wound without redress for all-time after-that.

Var þar nú þröng mikil. En þó að hér sé sagt frá nokkurum atburðum þá eru
Was then now a great throng. But while here (it) be said about some events, then (there) are

hinir þó miklu fleiri er menn hafa engar frásagnir af.
others still much more which men have no accounts of.

Flosi hafði það sagt sínum mönnum að þeir skyldu leita til vígis í
Flosi had said that to his men that they should try for a vantage-point in

Almannagjá ef þeir yrðu forviða því að þar mátti einum megum að sækja.
Almannagjá (Everyman’s Rift) if they became overcome-in-battle because there (one) might pursue (attack) from one-side-only.

En flokkur sá er Síðu-Hallur hafði og Ljótur son hans höfðu hörfað frá í
But that company which Síðu-Hall had, and Ljót his son, had withdrawn away (ie from (the battle)

braut fyrir atgöngu þeirra feðga Ásgríms og Þórhalls. Sneru þeir ofan fyrir austan Öxará.
away before (the) attack of them, father-and-son, Ásgrím and Þórhall. They turned down east of Öxará (Axe-River).

Hallur mælti þá: "Hér slær (slá) í allmikil óefni er allur þingheimur berst. (berast)
Hall spoke then: ‘Here (it) comes to (descends into) a great precarious-state-of-affairs which all (the) Thing-assembly (will have to) endure (?)

Vildi eg Ljótur frændi að við bæðum okkur liðs að skilja menn þó að okkur sé það
I would-want, kinsman Ljót, that we ask support for us to separate men even-though we be

til orðs lagið af nokkurum mönnum. Skalt þú bíða við brúarsporðinn en eg mun
 talked about (presumably unfavourably?) for that (see leggja e-m e-t til (ámælis) orðs, Z14) by some men. You shall wait by the head-of-the-bridge but (and) I will

ganga í búðir og biðja mér liðs.
go into (the) booths and ask for support to me.

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