Njall 133 part 2 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 10080
Date: 2009-03-20
I had the usual troubles with the verse.
"Mig dreymdi það," segir Flosi, "að eg þóttist staddur að Lómagnúpi og ganga
út og sjá
"I dreamt it," says Flosi, "that I seemed to be present at Lomagnup and to
go outside and look
upp til gnúpsins. Og opnaðist hann og gekk maður út úr gnúpinum og var í
geithéðni og
up at the peak. And it opened and a man went out from the peak and was in a
goatskin cloak and
hafði járnstaf í hendi. Hann fór kallandi og kallaði á menn mína, suma fyrr
en suma síðar,
had an iron staff in hand. He went calling and called to my men, some
before and some later,
og nefndi þá á nafn. Hann kallaði fyrstan Grím hinn rauða frænda minn og
Árna Kolsson.
and named them by name. He called first Grim the red, my kinsman, and Arni
Koll's son.
Þá þótti mér undarlega við bregða. Mér þótti hann þá kalla Eyjólf
Bölverksson og Ljót
Then (it) seemed to me extraordinarily to be wondered at. (It) seemed to me
then him to call Eyolf Bolverk's son and Ljot
son Halls af Síðu og nokkura sex menn. Þá þagði hann stund nokkura. Síðan
kallaði hann
son of Hall of Sida and another six men. Then he was silent for some time.
Afterwards he called
fimm menn af voru liði og voru þar Sigfússynir, bræður þínir. Þá kallaði
hann aðra fimm
five men from our company and Sigfuss' sons were there, your brothers. Then
he called another five
menn og var þar Lambi og Móðólfur og Glúmur. Þá kallaði hann þrjá menn.
men and Lambi and Modolf and Glum were there. Then he called three men.
kallaði hann Gunnar Lambason og Kol Þorsteinsson. Eftir það gekk hann að
mér. Eg
he called Gunnar Lambi's son and Kol Thorstein's son. After that he walked
towards me. I
spurði hann tíðinda. Hann lést kunna að segja tíðindin. Þá spurði eg hann að
nafni en
asked him (for) tidings (what was going on). He let it be known (that he
would) tell (the) news. Then I asked him (his) name and
hann nefndist Járngrímur. Eg spurði hvert hann skyldi fara. Hann kvaðst fara
skyldu til
he called himself Iron-Grim. I asked where he should go. He said of
himself (he) should go to
alþingis. "Hvað skalt þú þar gera?" sagði eg. Hann svaraði: "Fyrst skal eg
ryðja kviðu en
(the) Allthing. "What shall you do there?" said I. He answered, "First I
shall challenge the jury then
þá dóma en þá vígvöll fyrir vegöndum." Síðan kvað hann þetta:
(the) court and then (the) battlefield for slayers." Afterwards he recited
Höggorma mun hefjast
vipers will raise themselves
herði-Þundr á landi.
hard-Thunder in (the) land.
Sjá munu menn á moldu
will see men to mould
margar heila borgir.
Many fortifications to make whole.
Nú vex blárra brodda
Now grew blue-er, to prick
beystisullr í fjöllum.
bruised-boils in mountains??.
Koma mun sumra seggja
Will become summer of man
sveita dögg á leggi.
to come to sweat dew to place??
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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