A few more (see previous post)

From: akoddsson
Message: 9891
Date: 2009-01-12

Narfi, narrow, only attested weak. Another attested feminine is Kara
(long a), curly. I am writing this from memory, so I do miss things
here and there, and remember them afterwards. Under types of men,
etc. we have 2 simple names Folki and Folka, masc. and fem.
respectively and both attested as names, not just short-names for
names in Folk-, of which there are many. The fem. Nidja (dh) is
attested, and is really a family-relations name, of which I have
named some. Strangly enough, and very rare indeed, here it is the
masc. that is missing, *Nidr (dh), a very certain reconstruction.
Somewhat off-topic, nid- compounds in the fem. Nidbjorg (ed, hooked-
o), a family's salvation, saver of the family line, and at least one
other attested name that I cannot recall. I will try to remember it.
Busla, chubby-cheeks, is a rare attested feminine of the type that
describes the body. Also, the feminine Irpa is attested, the
equivalent of masc. Erpr, and then on a priestess (in literature). It
shows correct i-mutation and subsequent loss of -j-, and is
unboubtedly very old, further supporting our reconstruction of a fem.
*Brun (or even a weak of it and attested Hvit and Bleik). It seems
that all descriptive names of women simply disappear with
Christianity, whereafter idealized, or acceptable, physical features
for women must have become much, much narrower. But this is only a
guess. Enough for today. I hope ye enjoy the names. -Konrad

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