From: llama_nom
Message: 9808
Date: 2008-12-10
>Oopsh, not this time. You're right on both counts! Sorry about that,
> Here´s my translation. LN, I humbly challenge your analysis on a couple
> of points see below for the specifics. Please feel free to show me the
> error of my ways.
> spurði hver (this is ambiguously f or m but unambiguously nom sgbut ) þær (this is unambiguously f pl acc agreeing with sloeðurar, I
> asked who would have given that (ie the gown) to (the pile) but no-oneYes. My explanation of 'þær' as nominative couldn't work because then
> því að margir vita eigi er hann sjá hvort hann er heldur kona eðakarlmaður
> because many (people) do not know who see him, whether he is rathera woman or a man
> (I think this is 3rd person pl, agreeing with `margir' and not animpersonal construction, for which I would have expected 3rd person