> Ásgrímur svarar: "Eigi veit þannig við og skal þetta ekki á mutur mæla.
> Ásgrím answers: '(I) look (see under vita, Z4) not thither with
(that in mind) (I didn´t come here for that?) and (I) shall not speak
this in (mutterings?)
Possible paraphrases: "We didn't come for that sort of thing [...]" or
"It's not that sort of a visit [...]" or "It's not a matter of sitting
and drinking [...]" or "This is no time for sitting and drinking [...]"
See A.2. near the top of the right-hand column: "To come under that
head, to mean, to have such and such a bearing."
I can't find 'á mutur' in CV, Zoega or Fritzner (at least not in the
online searchable version), but Google led me to a site on Norwegian
placenames [
http://vikjavev.no/stadnamn/stadnamn.php?bokstav=M ]
which refers the first element of the name Mutrehaugane to the same
root: Frå gn. har Fritzner á mutur = i løynd. "From Old Norse,
Fritzner has 'á mutur' = in secret." I suppose he gives that answer to
make it clear that he won't be atisfied with anything short of public
support because private backing won't do them any good.
> Ásgrímur svarar: "Illa er slíkt mælt að verða mönnum þá síst (sízt)
að liði (can´t fully make this out) er mest liggur við."
> Ásgrím answers: `Such is badly spoken to happen to men then (that
they be) least in support when most depends on (lies with) it
"It's a poor do to speak like that: to be of least support to men when
most depends on it."
illa er slíkt mælt = badly is suchlike spoken (that's a poor answer)
að verða ... að liði = to be of support to (to support, offer support)
þá ... er = when
mest liggur við = most depends on [it] (most is at stake)