From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 9708 Date: 2008-11-01
Flosi var þá kominn á þing og skipaði alla búð sína. Runólfur skipaði
Flosi was (had) then (ie by that time) come to (the) Thing and occupied
(see skipa, Z2, or Z4) all his booths. Runólf occupied (see skipa Z2)
Dalverjabúð (singular) en Mörður Rangæingabúð (singular).
Hallur hafði þó fjölmennt mjög úr sinni sveit og
Hall had nevertheless a gathered a
very great crowd out-of his district and
fór þegar í lið með Flosa og bað (biðja, not bjóða) hann sáttar og
friðar. Hallur var vitur
went at-once in (mutual) support with Flosi and asked him for agreement
and peace.
Thanks, Alan!
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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