> ærið mörgu

Lit. "plenty much". See Zoega under 'oerinn':

œrinn, a. sufficient, = ýrinn, yfrinn (œrin var nauðsyn til þessa
verks); er þat ok œrit eitt, at, it is quite sufficient that; œrit
fagr, fair enough til œrins, sufficiently.

> fleirum þykir mér sem illt leiði af honum en gott.
> with most (things) (it) seems to me like bad (things) result (leiða
af e-u, see Z2) from him than good.'

I'm not entirely sure about 'fleirum', but I think it's the dative
being used in an adverbial way: "more", "in more respects" (more bad
than good). MM & HP: "I have the impression that Mord causes more
harm than good." Most of the examples I found seem to be referring
clearly to "more people" or more of a particular thing [
]. The following example from Brands þáttr örva isn't quite the same,
but 'fleirum' does seem to have an adverbial or intensifying function
there too, if I've understood it right. The context is that the king
(who is speaking) keeps asking for Brandr's possessions to test his
reputation for generosity, and has already strained the bounds of

Meiri von að þessi maður muni vera fleirum örvari og heldur fénar nú
of hríð. Farðu enn og seg að eg vil hafa kyrtilinn er hann stendur í.

"Very likely this man will be ?yet/even more generous, and we've been
profiting [from him] rather for a while now. Go again and say that I
want to have the tunic he stands in."