2. THiazi Jorun Kidnaps Iðun

From: Patricia
Message: 9609
Date: 2008-09-02

Hann hóf þar frásögn, at þrír æsir fóru heiman, Óðinn ok Loki ok Hænir, ok
fóru um fjöll ok eyðimerkr, ok var illt til matar.
There he began his account, where the three aesir set out from home, Odin and Loki and Hænir and crossed mountains/fells and wildernesses and it was (there) badly off for food (hard to get) 
En er þeir koma ofan í
dal nakkvarn, sjá þeir öxnaflokk ok taka einn uxann ok snúa til seyðis
and they came down to a certain dale  and saw a herd of oxen and they took one of them and put him to cook (?spit/oven)(?an earth oven)
En er þeir hyggja, at soðit mun vera, raufa þeir seyðinn, ok var ekki soðit. Ok
í annat sinn, er þeir raufa seyðinn, þá er stund var liðin, ok var ekki
And when they thought it must be cooked, the opened the oven and it was not cooked. And again after a while when they opened it and it was (still) not cooked.
Mæla þeir þá sín á milli, hverju þetta mun gegna.
They discussed amongst themselves the reason why this was happenning
   Þá heyra þeir mál í eikina upp yfir sik, at sá, er þar sat, kvaðst ráða
því, er eigi soðnaði á seyðinum. Þeir litu til, ok sat þar örn ok eigi
They heard someone talking up above them in an oak tree, declared himself
to be responsible  that the oven was not cooking (the ox). They looked up and there sat an Eagle and not a small one
  Þá mælti örninn: "Vilið þér gefa mér fylli mína af uxanum, þá mun soðna á
Then said the Eagle "will you give me my (belly) full of the ox and the oven will cook
   Þeir játa því. Þá lætr hann sígast ór trénu ok sezt á seyðinn ok leggr
upp þegar it fyrsta lær uxans tvau ok báða bóguna.
They agreed to this. It then let itself down from the tree and sat/perched on the oven and took at once first the two legs and then both shoulders
   Þá varð Loki reiðr ok greip upp mikla stöng ok reiðir af öllu afli ok
rekr á kroppinn erninum.
Then Loki was furious and took a great pole and used/swung it with all his might at the body of the Eagle
Örninn bregzt við höggit ok flýgr upp. Þá var föst
stöngin við bak arnarins, en hendr Loka við annan enda stangarinnar.
The Eagle moved himself/dodged away from the blow and flew up. Then was the stick /pole stuck to the Eagle's body and also to loki's hands at the other end
flýgr hátt svá, at fætr Loka taka niðr grjót ok urðir ok viðu, en hendr
hans, hyggr hann, at slitna munu ór öxlum. Hann kallar ok biðr allþarfliga
örninn friðar.
The Eagle flew at such a height that Loki's feet hit/trailed against the rocks stones and trees, and so he thought that his arms might be pulled from his
shoulders.He called out and begged most needfully for a truce/peace
En hann segir, at Loki skal aldri lauss verða, nema hann
veiti honum svardaga at koma Iðunni út of Ásgarð með epli sín, en Loki vill
But he says Loki would not be free until he vowed a solemn oath  to fetch Idun out  of Asgarð with her apples and loki did so (promised - bad move)
Verðr hann þá lauss ok ferr til lagsmanna sinna, ok er eigi at sinni
sögð fleiri tíðendi um þeira ferð, áðr þeir koma heim.
Then he was free and went back to his companions and nothing of worthy tidings was told of their travels until they got home
   En at ákveðinni stundu teygir Loki Iðunni út um Ásgarð í skóg nökkurn ok
segir, at hann hefir fundit epli þau, er henni munu gripir í þykkja,
And at the time agreed - loki enticed Iðun out of Asgarð to a certain wood and says he has found some apples (got lost here) that she could/might pick
 ok bað,
at hon skal hafa með sér sín epli ok bera saman ok hin.
and asked her to have with her the apples (of her own) to compare if they were the same (as the others)
Þá kemr þar Þjazi
jötunn í arnarham ok tekr Iðunni ok flýgr braut með ok í Þrymheim til bús
Then Thjazi Jotun came there in Eagle's Guize and took Iðun away, he flew with her to his house in Thrymheim
This time it helped - knowing the story and I believe it may
be better this time, any critique welcome

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