Extracts from the Edda - Patricia's Translation

From: Patricia
Message: 9590
Date: 2008-08-29

Loki náði Iðunni ok dráp Þjaza
En æsir urðu illa við hvarf Iðunnar, ok gerðust þeir brátt hárir ok gamlir.
Loki Got hold of Iðunn (past of ná) and slays Þjazi (a Giant)
The Æsir became ill with/from the disappearance of Iðunn, and they became grey of hair and old
Þá áttu þeir æsir þing, ok spyrr hverr annan, hvat síðast vissi til Iðunnar,
en þat var sét síðast, at hon gekk út ór Ásgarði með Loka.
Then they had an Æsir thing (meeting) and inquired of each other what was last known of Iðunn and that when she was last seen she was going out of Asgarð with Loki
Þá var Loki
tekinn ok færðr á þingit, ok var honum heitit bana eða píslum. En er hann
varð hræddr, þá kvaðst hann mundu sækja eftir Iðunni í Jötunheima, ef Freyja
vill ljá honum valshams, er hon á.
Then was Loki taken from the þing and threatened with (?heita) death or torture. And he became afraid and declared himself that he would look for Iðunn in Jotunheim if Freyja would loan to him the Cloak that she had/
(magic wasn't it) of hawk-skin
Ok er hann fær valshaminn, flýgr hann norðr í Jötunheima ok kemr einn dag
til Þjaza jötuns.
And when he obtains the cloak he flies North to Jotunheim and arrives in a single day to Thjazi the Giant 
Var hann róinn á sæ, en Iðunn var ein heima. Brá Loki
henni í hnotarlíki ok hafði í klóm sér ok flýgr sem mest. En er Þjazi kom
heim ok saknar Iðunnar, tekr hann arnarharminn ok flýgr eftir Loka, ok dró
arnsúg í flugnum.
He was rowing on the sea, and Iðunn was at home. Loki changed her into the likeness of a nut and had her in his claw, and flies as best he may.
And when Þjazi came home  and sought Iðunn he took on the likeness of an Eagle and flew after Loki and drew on the rushing sound of wings (árnsug) in his flight 
En er æsirnir sá, er valrinn flaug með hnotina ok hvar
örninn flaug, þá gengu þeir út undir Ásgarð ok báru þannig byrðar af
And it was the Gods saw the hawk fly with the nut and the Eagle flying (?in pursuit) then they went out  below Asgarð and they carried that way a burden of woodshavings
Ok þá er valrinn flaug inn of borgina, lét hann fallast niðr
við borgarvegginn. Þá slógu æsirnir eldi í lokarspánuna, en örninn mátti
eigi stöðva sik, er hann mássti valsins
Then the Hawk flies in by the wall, and he made landing down inside the walls
Then te Æsir set afire the woodshavings and the Eagle could not stop himself and he .........................................". (lost it)
Laust þá eldinum í fiðri arnarins,
ok tók þá af fluginn. Þá váru æsirnir nær ok drápu Þjaza jötun fyrir innan
ásgrindr, ok er þat víg allfrægt.
Burned in the fire  were the feathers of the Eagle and he could not fly.
Then were/came the Æsir close and killed Þjazi the Giant before the rails/walls of Asgarðand that fight was most famous
En Skaði dóttir Þjaza jötuns, tök hjálm ok brynju ok öll hervápn ok ferr til
Ásgarðs at hefna föður síns.
Then Skaði the daughter of Þjazi the Giant took up Helm and Mail and all her weapons and went to Agarð to avenge her father
En æsir buðu henni sætt ok yfirbætr ok it
fyrsta, at hon skal kjósa sér mann af ásum ok kjósa at fótum ok sjá ekki
fleira af.
But the Æsir  offered her reconciliation abd to atone for it in the beginning / first - that she shall choose  a man/husband of the Æsir and choose  from/by his feet and see not more(no more than his feet)
Þá sá hon eins manns fætr forkunnarfagra ok mælti: "Þenna kýs ek. Fátt mun
ljótt á Baldri."
Then she sees a man's feet (they were) exceedingly attractive and said
"This one I choose that must be Baldur "
This is my second try at sending this in - from around six when the
WEbsite refused my translation
I am displeased with this work - and any critique will be welcomed

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