I wasn't sure how to translate Þrjóta mun okkur bræður illsku við þig.
Clearly they weren't happy with her, but everything I came up with seemed
awkward and not right.
Þaðan fór hún á fund Leifs bróður síns og bað að hann gæfi henni hús þau er
hann hafði
She went from there to a meeting with her brother, Leif, and asked (that) he
give her that house which he had
gera látið á Vínlandi. En hann svarar hinu sama, kveðst ljá mundu hús en
gefa eigi.
made ready in Vinland. But he answers the same, said he would loan (the)
house but not give (it).
Sá var máldagi með þeim bræðrum og Freydísi að hvorir skyldu hafa þrjá tigi
Such were (the) arrangements with those brothers and Freydis, that each
should have thirty fighting
manna á skipi og konur umfram. En Freydís brá af því þegar og hafði fimm
men on a ship and women besides. But Freydis broke with that at once and
had five more men
fleira og leyndi þeim og urðu þeir bræður eigi fyrri við þá varir en þeir
komu til Vínlands.
and hid them and those brothers did not become aware of them before when
they came to Vinland.
Nú létu þau í haf og höfðu til þess mælt áður að þau mundu samflota hafa ef
svo vildi
Now they put out to sea and had previously spoken about this before that
they would sail together if that was wished
verða, og þess var lítill munur. En þó komu þeir bræður nokkuru fyrri og
höfðu upp borið
and this makes little difference?? But still those brothers arrived
somewhat ahead and had carried up
föng sín til húsa Leifs. En er Freydís kom að landi þá ryðja þeir skip sitt
og bera upp til húss föng sín.
their baggage to Leif's house. But when Freydis came on land then they
unload her (or their) ship and carry up their baggage to (the) house.
Þá mælti Freydís: "Hví báruð þér inn hér föng yður?"
Then Freydis spoke, "Why did you carry your baggage in here?"
"Því að vér hugðum," segja þeir, "að haldast muni öll ákveðin orð með oss."
"Because we thought," they say, "that all will hold to express arrangements
with us."
"Mér léði Leifur húsanna," segir hún, "en eigi yður."
"Leif loaned the house to me," says she, "and not you."
Þá mælti Helgi: "Þrjóta mun okkur bræður illsku við þig."
Then Helgi spoke, "We brothers will end up badly with you."
Báru nú út föng og gerðu sér skála og settu þann skála firr sjónum á
vatnsströndu og
Now (they) carry out baggage and made themselves huts and set those huts far
from the sea and on a lake shore and
bjuggu vel um. En Freydís lét fella viðu til skips síns.
fenced them about well. And Freydis had wood felled for her ship.
Nú tók að vetra og töluðu þeir bræður að takast mundu upp leikar og væri
Now it became winter and those brothers said they would take up games and
would have entertainment.
skemmtan. Svo var gert um stund þar til er menn bárust verra í milli. Og þá
Such was done for a while until when (arguments?) came worse between them.
And then discord happened
sundurþykki með þeim og tókust af leikar og öngar gerðust komur milli
skálanna. Og fór svo fram lengi vetrar.
with them and (they) ceased (their) games and (it) happened (that) none come
between the huts. And (it) went so forward during the long winter.
Það var einn morgun snemma að Freydís stóð upp úr rúmi sínu og klæddist og
fór eigi í
It was one morning early that Freydis got up out of her bed and dressed and
didn't put on
skóklæðin en veðri var svo farið að dögg var fallin mikil. Hún tók kápu
bónda síns og fór
shoes (because) then the weather had gone so that much dew was fallen. She
took her husband's cloak and went
í en síðan gekk hún til skála þeirra bræðra og til dyra. En maður einn hafði
út gengið litlu
in but afterwards she went to the hut of those brothers and to (the) door.
But a man had gone out a little
áður og lokið hurð aftur á miðjan klofa. Hún lauk upp hurðinni og stóð í
gáttum stund þá
before and closed the door half way. She opened the door and stood in the
doorway a while then
og þagði. En Finnbogi lá innstur í skálanum og vakti.
and was silent. But Finnbogi lay innermost in the hut and awakened.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa